Start from the beginning

"He looks mad, doesn't he?"

Luna, Dorcas and Timothy were sitting in the stands, watching the Slytherin Quidditch tryouts with interest. Regulus had been made the Captain, and with Flint gone, the Keeper position was left open. Carrow, Gibbon and Amy were trying out for the beaters and the chaser position respectively, and Luna supposed their team was decently strong.

"Mad?" Dorcas scoffed, crossing her legs elegantly and watching the tryouts bemusedly. "He's fuming."

She was right; Regulus looked like he would either explode or burst into hysterics. Luna couldn't blame him—the chaos down there was simply overwhelming. There were numerous girls lined up in front of Regulus, and as much as he possessed an authoritative persona, he seemed to be trying to act as gentlemanly as possible.

"I shouldn't be laughing," Timothy said, his lips quivering dangerously as though suppressing the insane urge to laugh. "He looks as if he's carrying a hippogriff, poor fellow."

Luna laughed hysterically, finding his observation hilarious. Regulus' black locks were plastered on his forehead, and beads of sweat made their way down his cheeks, and some clung on to his eyelashes. His grey eyes were narrowed in irritation and his jaw was clenched so tightly Luna felt it was a miracle his teeth hadn't shattered.

"OKAY!" Regulus shouted hoarsely, glaring at the Slytherins who were miffed that they weren't chosen. "Those who haven't been chosen, get out of the field! Please, and thank you!"

With a lot of grumbling, about fifteen people left the pitch, and suddenly it looked a lot less crowded, which was a huge relief.

"Well, that was a good session," Dorcas yawned, getting up and stretching her petite body. Then she adapted a confused expression. "I can't believe I wanted the Slytherin Tryouts to go well."

They walked onto the pitch, where Regulus and Amy were waiting for them as they leaned on their broomsticks and discussed Quidditch tactics.

"Never," Regulus said abruptly when Luna finally reached him. "make me do that again. My vocal cords are on the brink of destruction."

Luna looked at him bemusedly as she tightened her radish earrings so that they wouldn't fall off. "You'd think I forced you into this, wouldn't you?"

Amy rolled her eyes as she removed her gloves. "He's being dramatic. It wasn't all that bad. And anyway, we've got a fairly good team, even though the beaters are gits."

"I couldn't not choose Amycus and Gibbon," Regulus said defiantly, crossing his arms indignantly. "The other four who tried out were pure rubbish."

"Alright, D-Man," Dorcas said with a mocking smile, turning around and catching up with Timothy and Amy swiftly, who were making their way to the castle.

"D-Man?" he asked distractedly, running an absent hand through his damp hair. He held the broom in his arm and removed his gloves with his free hand. The snake emblem on his Quidditch uniform glinted proudly, and the setting sun darkened the green and sliver colours of his robes.

"Are you planning on pursuing a career in Quidditch?" Luna asked curiously as the two of them walked in sync, a little farther away from Amy, Dorcas and Timothy. "You seem awfully interested in it."

Regulus' normally impassive face lit up immediately, and he said, "I would love to, of course. I know I'm not the best seeker, but if I ever got the chance to play for a professional team, I'd do it," he said cheerfully, his pace becoming a little more enthusiastic. "Of course, my parents are going to talk me out of it, and I know that I'll have to listen to them in the end... but I have a backup plan," he finished triumphantly, and Luna looked at him with a smile.

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