"You guys know each other?" Tim asked, puzzled.

"Yeah, we know each other very well." She smiled. Ummmmmmmm, hold up.... REWIND. What the heck? "Don't we?" 

Josh smiled, but I knew he was uncomfortable. "Yes. I didn't know you would audition." He cleared his throat.

"Weird, you knew me better than anyone." She whispered to him, but I heard it without a struggle. 

"Funny." He looked away. What does she mean he knew her better than anyone?

"Hey, I'm Olivia." The girl walked towards me. Keep a smile. Keep a smile. Keep a smile.

"Yeah, I'm Olivia too." I forced a laugh, shaking her hand. Tim kept on talking and the others greeted each other, but I couldn't concentrate on anything else.

"Liv, you're jealous, aren't you?" Josh murmured in my ear. I shook my head a little too quickly, which made him chuckle. "You don't have to lie, I already know you are." He interlocked our fingers together.

"Who is she?" I asked him, straight to the point.

"I'm not sure that really matters..." He started. I looked at him straight in the eyes. He read my facial expression and nodded, knowing he had to explain. "Well, she was my-" He was interrupted by Julia.

"We should go somewhere!" She gushed.

"You guys can go, Liv and I want to-" Josh started.

Tim shook his head, drinking from his coffee mug. "I would like for all of you to go and get to know each other." He ordered. Josh and I nodded, having no other option but to go. He squeezed my hand, mouthing a 'sorry' to me. My curiosity couldn't keep me still. 

"We should totally go shopping!" Olivia squealed. All the girls agreed, except me. I stood still, trying not to show my envy. Shopping is something Julia and I do.

"Ooh, then we should make TikToks together!" Sofia added. What? That's what I do with her.

"Mind if you put on a poker face?" Josh laughed, kissing my shoulder. I turned around and glanced at him. "I know what you're thinking, it's just not the best time to tell you." He scratched him neck.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because you're most likely going to flip out." He assumed, placing his hands on my waist.

"I promise I won't, just tell me please." I begged. 

He sighed and began. "Olivia was my first." He revealed.

My mouth was wide open, and I couldn't process anything. For some reason I thought he had never- "Wow, okay." I breathed out.

"You're okay?" He clucked. I blankly stared at him. "Liv, baby?" He worried.

"Yeah, it's just- I thought, you know- you just, yeah, no." I stammered. 

"I don't want you to be on the edge because of this, alright?" He rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "I was sort of drunk and didn't even know what I was doing." 

"You were drunk?!" I gasped. 

He laughed nervously. "Isaac kinda took me to this party when I was 15 and told me to drink so I did and well it happened." He recalled.

"You were 15?!" I exclaimed astonished. He nodded, ashamed.

"Just, tell me you won't worry about us working together." He held my hands. I remembered the huge fight we went through. He was someone I could rely on.

"I trust you." I smiled. He smiled back, knowing I was serious.

"I couldn't ask for more." He grinned, bending down to kiss me. 

"Josh?" Someone called right before his lips were on mine. I knew he internally groaned, as he pulled away.

We looked to the side and saw Olivia there. Ughhhh. "Hey, so, I'm having a very important moment with my girlfriend so can you just-" He explained, turning back to me.

"Oh, so you guys are dating." She thought.

"Yep." He smiled at me with his glossy eyes, leaning in.

"We need you guys on Earth, not in some cupid planet." Matt pushed us away from each other by our foreheads.

"You don't know how much I want to punch you right now." Josh joked, but there was weigh in his tone.

"You guys were too lost in each other to hear that we're going to the mall." Larry explained. 

"Anyways, what did you want?" Josh asked Olivia.

"I was wondering if I could join you on the ride there."  She asked, using her desirous smile. Yeah, no thanks.

"Actually, Liv and I want to drive there alone, sorry. I'm sure Matt will give you a ride." Josh answered. Haha! In your face, Olivia.

"Oh, well, sorry to just ask like that." She apologized, though I felt she didn't mean it at all. Josh and I walked out, holding hands. 

"I spy with my little eye a beautiful girl who feels extremely delighted I just turned Olivia down." He laughed.

"Shut up." I nudged him, giggling. 

"Only because I love you." He smiled down at me. 

"Well, good." I went on my tiptoes and kissed him.

"LOVEBIRDS, I LOVE SEEING ALL THAT, BUT WE ONLY HAVE SO MUCH TIME!" Frankie yelled from the other side of the parking lot. Josh and I laughed and got in the car. There was nothing I should be worried about. I trust him.

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia) Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now