"Did he just-"

"Stronger, faster, studlier." Bulkhead replied, grabbing his helm as he walks to join his friends. They all looked at Ratchet's direction, surprised at the way he acted.

Meanwhile, Ratchet injects himself with more energon, hoping to be in the top of his game for the sake of the Autobot. Ioa saw this and spoke up, obviously annoyed and concerned with his reckless act.

"Ratchet! What have you done? No more Synth-En testing on yourself! Haven't Optimus said so himself?" Lightblade nagged as he rolled his optics and snapped back, words laced with venom as he spoke.

"Well well well, the moody femme decides to speak. Last I saw you were being a glitch in the main hangar, why talk now? As for Optimus, he doesn't need to know. Got it?" He said, making Ioa gasped as tears started to pool up but she forced it down. She knew it was the Synth-En causing him to be such a crude mech but his words stung. Turning away, she left without a word.

Scoffing, Ratchet made his way to the main computers. The sensors blared, signalling energon was found. He volunteered to follow along much to everyone's surprise. Ioa said nothing as she quietly opened the groundbridge, watching them go, but not before receiving another snide remark from the crazy medic.

"Bye-bye Ioa. Soon it'll be just you as the medic, while I get to go out and have fun." Ratchet taunted.

Ioa could only watch as they disappeared through the groundbridge, leaving her alone with the kids. The kids heard what Ratchet said and felt bad for her. They tried to assure her Ratchet was just kidding but she brushed them off, faking a smile and went off to the hallways to cool herself.

"Don't take it personally Light, he's under the influence of the Synth-En." Shadowglyde comforted her as Lightblade nodded. "I know Shadow. It's not that I'm bothered about, it's the safety of the team. If the synthetic energon influences him to make rash decision, our team is going to be in danger!" Lightblade said angrily, angry at herself for being useless.

"Indeed Light, and that's why we need to step in. the consequences of facing another argument with Optimus is smaller compared to the loss of our teammate. We have to help them." Shadowglyde said as she sent comforting emotions through the bond, easing Lightblade's nerve a tad bit.

Lightblade thought for a moment before sighing, she didn't know how to help Ratchet. "Maybe I can try finishing the formula?" she suggested, only for Shadowglyde to deny her.

"I believe finishing the formula or not is not the main point. We must get the energon out of Ratchet's system before it corrupts him completely. The synthetic energon comes in second." She advised, Ioa nodding along but still troubled.

"You're right Shadow. But the question is how do we get him to flush out the Synth- En from his system?" Lightblade asked.

"That would be the question we have to solve my dear. I'm sorry to say I'm not on the medical spectrum, and thus I have no suggestion on this Light." Shadowglyde said softly.

"It's okay Shadow, we'll figure this out-"

Lightblade was cut off when a sudden feeling of dread pooled in her tanks, warning her something's wrong. Her senses blaring as she looked around frantically, Shadowglyde in her mind ready to shift in case of need.

"Something's wrong!" Ioa cried out as she ran towards the main hangar to see the groundbridge activated and saw Ratchet coming in, only for him to quickly turn his back and transformed into vehicle mode, rushing back into the field. Everyone was shocked and still trying to process what just happened.

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