Anyway, that aside London is cold. No correct that, it’s bloody freezing! For some reason the plane has stopped hundreds of miles from the actual airport so we disembark onto the tarmac and have to walk to the entry point. Ok, ok so it’s not literally hundreds of miles but still it’s long enough to result in me freezing my butt off. The moment I’m outside I start shivering.

“Oh. My. God.” I manage to say through chattering teeth. “It’s so cold!”

Nancy is in front but overhears me and shakes her head. She doesn’t say anything but Sam, being the gentleman that he always is, hands me his jacket. I smile at him gratefully and put it on. This helps my arms but my legs are still cold which means I’m still shivering.

“Thanks.” I say wrapping my arm around his waist to share his body warmth. “I didn’t realise it would be so cold.”

Sam smiles wryly. “I didn’t think to mention it I’m afraid. I hope you packed some warm clothes with you.”

“Of course I -” I trail off as I think back to that morning.

Wait, what did I pack? I was half asleep, I don’t actually remember.

“No you didn’t.” Nancy pipes up from the front.

My blood runs cold which doesn’t help how the rest of me feels. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Nancy stops and turns around, a sheepish look on her face. “Well it all went a bit pear shaped. By the time you got back it had slipped my mind.”

“You’re such a bitch.” I’m angry yet as always I can’t stay angry at her long. A small smile plays at my lips. “You’re going to pay.”

Nancy pokes her tongue out. “You love me though. Don’t worry, we’ll go shopping soon. Perhaps once we get to Madrid.”

“Why bother? Madrid will be warm.” Sam snorts next to me and I glare at him. “What was that for?”

He grins at me. “You forget we’re not in the Southern Hemisphere anymore. The seasons are completely opposite. It’ll be winter in Madrid too.”

I groan. “Seriously? I’m going to die!”

Sam chuckles but doesn’t answer. I pout as we approach the terminal. The door is approaching so I pick up my pace and powerwalk the last few metres. The automatic doors open and I practically run inside. The warmth is like being enveloped with an electric blanket.

“Oh that’s better!” I moan. “Can we just stay in here for the next few hours?”

Nancy checks her watch and gasps. “No can do. Our flight leaves in under an hour and I still have to see my parents.”

Sam and I both gasp and we all start running.

“What about our luggage?” I ask as we run through the terminal.

“Don’t you remember anything from when we checked in?” Nancy calls behind her.

“Of course not! I was half asleep!”

“It was checked all the way through to Madrid, we just have to make it to the gate on time.”

Well that’s one less thing to worry about I suppose. My God, I never thought travelling would be this tiring! We continue running through the hordes of people and use our elbows to push and shove our way through. We are greeted with groans and curses but we just ignore them. I can’t understand why we’re running. I’m starting to run out of breath too so I might just slow down a little and meet them at the gate.

I slow to a walk and take a few deep breaths. Boy, I’m really unfit. Suddenly I feel a hand grab my arm and I have to start running again to keep up.

Book Two - Just Enjoying My Life.... Right? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now