Miss Perfect Has Virgin Lips/ Bret

Start from the beginning

"Sure thing dad."

While he's gone, I do what he says. Then I make myself comfortable. This Christmas break, I'm forgetting all about Taylor and I'm going to get a girl. I don't want a serious relationship. I just need someone to get my mind off of things. A French girl is just the person I need. Besides, Luca will be there too. I can already imagine all the pranks that we are going to pull on his elderly neighbors.

My dad comes back a few minutes later. "That lady had a sexy ass."

I chuckle. "How would you know? She was behind the counter."

"She came out from behind there, just for me." He winks.

My dad is pretty social. He knows exactly what to say for any kind of situation. He knows just the right things to say to set just the right mood. Dad doesn't really work. He only works when he can't travel, which is usually when I can't travel. Sometimes he goes without me, but he says the flight gets boring without me, no matter how many women are on the plane. I honestly can't imagine that. I'm pretty sure he still enjoys himself without me. He probably just says that because he doesn't want me to think that he'll run away, like my mother.

Even without her, my dad is doing a pretty good job with raising me. I'm glad that he is the way he is. It makes him unique and we always end up having fun wherever we go. My dad doesn't blame my mom for running away, and we try not to talk about her as much as possible, because it's a sore subject for him. I think he really loved her.

The ride is about half an hour. My dad and I just chat until we reach the terminal D road. That's where we are going to board the plane.

We get out of the car and grab our luggage, hoisting some of the bags on our shoulders to carry everything. My dad bought a few things for his girlfriend in France. Her name is Angele.

"May I take your bags sir?" a lady asks behind the desk.

"You most certainly may," my dad replies quickly enough.

I chuckle. They do not know how dirty that sounds.


We arrive in France 12 hours later. "Bret!" Luca shouts.

"Luca!" We immediately find each other at the airport and give each other a man hug. "Long time no see man! How's it been in France?"

Luca shrugs. "It's been okay. No girls, sadly."

"Bret?" A girl comes out of the shadows. "Nice name," she smirks.


"Yeah it's me."

Glenda is Luca's sister. She might as well be my sister too. We all act like family. She just got back from Australia actually. She's got a great sense of humor and always finds a way to calm Luca and I down if we get out of hand. She's 24 at the moment, so she's the perfect big sister. She's not that annoyed teenage girl, or the annoying kid that wants to play dress up with everyone. Glenda is just chill about everything.

She has brown hair that goes down to her shoulders and pale blue eyes. Luca looks the same except his hair is cut way shorter. You can really tell they're related. They could have been twins, if not for the age difference. Some people are even daring enough to walk up to Glenda and ask if Luca was her son.

"Wow. How was Australia?"

"It was good. Took forever to find out where all the non nude beaches are though," she grumbles.

I laugh.

"Donny!" I hear someone shriek. There comes Angele, dad's girlfriend. My dad picks her up and twirls her around.

"Angele! How's it going babe?"

"I could not wait for your return! And now you have come," she says with a heavy French accent.

Can someone just kill me now. Honestly, Angele gets on my nerves. Her bloody accent drives me insane. I swear my ears are practically bleeding by the time she's done with that sentence, and this is only the beginning. It's not even believable that my best friend and this woman are related.

Angele is Luca's aunt. Thank god their similarities stop at their physical features, because I'd probably tear my hair out if Luca acted like Angele. No, I would probably murder somebody. Hopefully the French law system would understand more than the American one. I could just picture myself now, in handcuffs, saying, "No officer, you don't understand! I had no choice! The accents were driving me crazy!"

"So how was the flight?" Luca asks, cutting through the adult time cleanly.

"Thrilling. I watched movies most of the time."

"Speaking of movies, aren't you starring in one right now?"

Taylor comes back to mind, but I will myself to stop thinking about her for once. I shrug in response. "The director is letting us have Christmas break."

"What role do you play?" Glenda asks.

"This boy named Hayden. It's a chick flick. You'd love it Glenda."

She squeals. "Chick flicks are just the best! I can't believe it! So you're the main character?"

I force myself not to roll my eyes. My dad is right. The girls drool over chick flicks. I'm pretty sure Derek chose me because his 12 year old daughter thinks I'm sexy, thus meaning I'm the perfect main role for a chick flick. Girls love sexy guys with abs. I can assure you that I have abs.

"Yeah. There's this other girl. She's supposed to be my lover, but we don't get along too well."

Glenda sighs. "Sometimes that happens." Then she cheers up. "Well now you have us! Since you're staying here for a week and a half!"

I nod. This is going to be fun. And Taylor is not going to get in the way this time.


Omfg. I read this chapter and was like...what was eighth grade me thinking. Sorry if you liked this chapter before, but it was the dumbest chapter I've ever read.

Anyways, I improved it! Yay. I hope you like this version of the chapter as much as the last one! Or maybe even more! I'm also more determined to finish editing and posting the rest of the story before I start my junior year of high school. I will finish this story.


And hopefully something will become of all that hard work.

Vote and comment please! Thanks loves,


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