Lady Autumn's Fall

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As the storm of fire spirits the leaves away, 

In an inferno of raging beauty,

Embrace the tints of red, yellow, and orange headed your way

Before this fleeting fragile emotion decides to flee

Has Death ever looked so inviting as it calls,

For the withering leaves of fragility to fall,

Has carnage ever looked so wondrous where the leaves lay,

Then seeing the world on fire, one autumn day?

Autumn, this season of vibrant suffering,

Autumn, this season of neglected love,

Watch as Lady Autumn takes wing,

And set the heavens alight above,

Don't despair to let Lady Autumn go,

For beauty comes and goes as it may,

Lest the flames of Her temptation burn low,

Wipe your tears for she will surely come again

Close your eyes, and await another autumn day

A/N: This chapter was dedicated to my twin because she has always reminded me of autumn. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of Autumn is "fire". My twin has always inhibited (at least in my opinion) a fiery nature. She speaks out her mind and isn't afraid to stand up for what is right. She is fiercely loyal and brave. In my vision, she seems like a flame that attracts everyone towards itself... The second thing I think of when I hear "autumn" is melancholy. Autumn is the season for lighting a fire and curling up beside it, lost in your own thoughts. My twinsy's duality is evident on the other side of her fiery temper, a subdued flame that encourages you to think of matters rather deeply. My twin, dependent upon the situation, can be a flame that ignites you or a hearth that comforts you.

Thank you for doing both, twinsy. I love you. Now...

Lemme go die in a hole from embarrassment.

Byeeeeee (Runs off)

Byeeeeee (Runs off)

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