Guess It Wasn't Goodbye At All

138 20 43

Goodbyes hurt too much,

The pain of saying goodbye to a loved one,

It hurts far more than any physical touch,

They leave you alone and completely undone,

Promises on your lips, and tears in your eyes,

Hope in your heart and dread in your mind,

A glimmer that this goodbye is a lie,

That for once Fate and Destiny were kind,

And maybe our paths will cross again,

Maybe my eyes will catch a glimpse of you,

To cease this never-ending pain,

Your image will lead me through,

Goodbyes hurt too much,

And I am a coward afraid of the pain and blows,

So, as of such,

I guess I will be keeping you close...

A: N; For those who read it, I will be regularly uploading these poems now! Cheers!




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