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Why do you keep staring in the mirror?

What answer do you seek?

Staring won't make things clearer

The mirror won't change your physique

What's so wrong with your figure?

That you just have to treat it like a defect

Why do you continue to starve yourself with such rigor?

The parts you think are flawed, really are perfect

Your skin isn't marred,

Your hair and face aren't a mess,

Your body is your temple, treat it with regard

To not wear makeup doesn't make you less

Every color suits you,

Your clothes set the trend,

You look ravishing in red, green, black, or blue

The limits of beauty, the expectations of society you transcend

You shine inside and out,

A goddess through and through,

You are beyond beautiful, beyond doubt,

Let the world throw its shade at you, you still shine true

You deserve the worship of a queen, the reverence of a goddess

You, who are pleasant fantasy, a beautiful promise

A: N= Your skin isn't paper, don't cut it Your face isn't a mask, don't hide it Your character isn't a book, don't judge it Your life isn't a film, don't end it

A: N= Your skin isn't paper, don't cut it Your face isn't a mask, don't hide it Your character isn't a book, don't judge it Your life isn't a film, don't end it

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