A Language Without Barriers

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The tongue without limits,

Unbound, unbroken, undefined,

It goes on and on, infinite

The sweetest language, so divine

All languages touch the mind,

These symphonies aim for the heart,

Never was there a language so refined,

Breathing and alive, a spoken art,

It ignites hearts, burning, and healing,

It connects souls, no matter the color,

The sweetest fruit, the deepest feeling,

So unique, consider it a worldwide culture,

The tongue of billions,

A uniting force,

The religion adopted by millions,

It leaves them without remorse,

A world in a word,

A universe of harmonic melodies,

So peaceful, so pure, unstirred

Music, the harbinger of remedies...

A:N= So, don't kill me for this absurd question, but any music lovers out there? ;)

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