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There are answers some people seek,

For questions yet not asked,

To escape the reality so bleak,

And unmask the intricacies of their past

Their curiosity knows no bounds,

A living thing, searching far and wide

Hoping to quench the uncertainty that surrounds,

The doubts of their soul inside

And there are people like me,

Our questions are many but we need no answers,

Our souls are grey with nothing to say and nothing to see,

Their curiosity is a raging fire, but we are the placid dancers

Our steps remain the same,

An unceasing dance of confusion,

Yet we are at peace with this game,

We are at peace with this veil of delusion

How mad may we seem?

To the philosophers of our past,

We who have given up our questions and dreams,

And made peace with ourselves at last

Those who seek, keep on searching,

May your quest be a success,

Find your answers and keep on learning,

And may you finally relieve your stress

We, who take comfort under the blanket of ignorance,

Let us hunker down and close our eyes,

And pray that our peace isn't mistaken as indifference,

By those who label themselves as wise

For ignorance is the answer they seek

A:N: Damn, it's been long.

A:N: Damn, it's been long

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