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A: N= Thank you to a wonderful friend who stuck by and gave the support needed to continue!

They say that she stuck by humanity,

When Pandora opened her jar and unleashed greed, plague, and vanity,

Elpis, oh hope, she stayed firm,

And the spirit of resilience in humanity she confirmed

Centuries pass and yet still the trait stays,

The ability to dream and hope in dark days,

Despite all hardships and trouble,

Humanity learned to always rise from the rubble

Humanity will always continue to dream and wish,

On hope and love will our future be nourished,

So why do you abandon this gift?

As all our hopes and wishes are set adrift

Let these words reach ears far and wide,

Your dreams and wishes will provide,

The element of happiness and humanity you yearn for,

Trust what Elpis has for you in-store

A: N= Happy New Year, everyone! Yes, I published this poem on 1st January because I felt like we all could need some hope, wishes, and love for the year to come! What's your New Year Resolution (does anyone do that anymore)? Mine is getting through 2021, ALIVE, and learning how not to give a shit for trivial matters. Pretty big, huh?

 Pretty big, huh?

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