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Third person POV

Both George and Dream looked at each other and smiled nervously.

"Alright let do this" Sapnap cheered.

Sapnap and Quackity got some hostages to help put the money in the vans. Dream told Techno to open the door of the bank.

The door of the bank screeched open and light soon devoured the room and everyone's eyes slammed shut from the blinding light.

"Schlatt have you told them that a van has left the  bank?" Dream asked.

"He said yes" Techno responded immediately.

"Okay Techno we need a boat to transport us and the money, can you do that?"

"Yes let me do that right now"

"Alright Karl and George put handcuffs on every single one of the hostages and place the fake bombs on all of their chests" Dream ordered.

George and Karl nodded and started cuffing everyone.

"I've got a boat, i will send the location right now" Techno added.

"Ok I got the location, head there okay?"

"I will and thank you for helping me" Techno said seconds after disconnecting.

They finish packing the money in the van after 10 minutes. The hostages were all sat on the floor with tape on their mouths but Wilbur resisted once again.

"Wilbur stop resisting and just let me do this, it's already hard so stop making it harder" George said trying to put tape over Wilbur mouth after Wilbur somehow took of his other tape.

"So your just going to leave me and forget about me" Wilbur shouted.

George bit his tongue and was not able to say anything. It was quiet so he took this chance to put the tape over Wilbur's mouth and walked away.

"Dream, the money is all done" Sapnap shouted from outside.

Dream breathed in and took a last glance at the bank and everyone. "Bad, George and Karl come on"

The group rushed outside. Quackity tilted his head up as soon as he got outside and shouted. "I'm rich" which made the group laugh and also start to shout in happiness and excitement.

In that moment George and Dream looked at each other and pulled their bodies to together.

"You know I love you" Dream said pressing his forehead on George's.

"I love you too" George grabbed Dream's cheek and kissed  him.

"You ruined the moment" Quackity huffed and rolled his eyes at the couple.

"Awww" Bad smiled

"you can carry on when we are out of here and safe" Sapnap walked to a van.

"Okay, George come with me and Quackity you coming?"

"Hell no, I'm with Sapnap and Karl"

"Cool didn't want you anyways, Bad come with us"


——30 minutes later——-

The group arrived safely with no interruptions to the harbour. Techno was waiting at the boat for them.

"Hey man good to see you" Quackity shook Techno hand rapidly.

"I'm going to regret saying this but, I miss you too" Techno cringed at what he said. Quackity bursted out laughing and ran to tell Karl and sapnap. Techno groaned.

"Dream we should put the vans in the boat" Techno suggested not wanting to look at the one person he betrayed but kind of relieved that Dream was able to help him.

"Yeah right on it" Dream said as he got himself in the wheel and started to back the van into the boat whilst Sapnap did the same.

Dream parked the van perfectly in the boat and got out of the car and walked towards the group. Sapnap had also finished parking and walked towards the group that were standing on the Harbour. "Let's head in" Sapnap suggested.

They all nodded happy and content and started to head to the tall stairs. "Stop" a voice shouted as the group went inside the boat.

Sounds of guns being loaded suddenly occurred as the group quickly grabbed their guns and pointed it at the unknown voice.

George was lost for words. His parents were standing on the Harbour just a couple meters away from him.

George's mother looked tired, she had eye bags and her hair was messy, she looked exhausted but his father on the other side looked put together.

"Mum, how are you here?, you can't be here"George stepped forward.

"George stay here, it might be a trap" Dream put an arm in front of George.

"Hey you get your filthy hands of my boy" Georges dad shouted as he stepped closer to the stairs of the boat.

"I'm not going with you if that's what you came to do, I feel wanted with them something that you didn't make me feel, I'm in love" George laughed at the last word.

"In love? George stop the nonsense and come, come home" George's mum held her hand out.

George shook his head, denying the request. "I love him mum, I love him more than anything"
George wrapped one of his arms around Dreams waist.

Dreams heart melted right there on the spot.

"Your not okay, you need to come with us" George's mum demanded.

"What for you to lock me in my room and never let me see broad day light again, Goodbye" George walked into the boat.

"George" Dream shouted as he followed George.

The boats engine went on and the group walked in and watched as George's despaired parents see their son go.

"It was never meant to be" Quackity shouted as the boat disappeared from George's parents sight.



Ily and just know everything will get better if they aren't right now<3 if you have any questions
please message me on tiktok because I cannot respond to any of your questions on Wattpad for some odd reason. You can also ask me anything that confuses you <3

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