What did you do

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Dream POV

"What the hell did you do that kid he looked terrified" Sapnap busted the door open walking towards me

"What had to be done" I muttered.

"And that was" he said

"Nothing and end of discussion"

"What did you do" He said, his tone angrier.

"He hurt George don't you see the bruise on George's nose, that was him" I argued

"Why does that matter we're only here to keep him hostage and make sure that he does not get hur- oh shit right you've got a point"


After a minute or two of silence I recalled something "we need to start printing out the money so contact Techno like now and get Karl to help you because the police and parents are going to start realizing that their beloved kids are missing".

"Yes sir" Sapnap smiled and walked away.

I ended up inside the main room and saw Quackity and bad laughing with the hostages. Are they okay? how are we going to be all scary when they are being nice to them, this is going to be harder than it was meant to be, I thought to myself.

"Quackity and Bad please come with me" I tilted my head to the side and their faces immediately dropped as they approached me, noticing the expression on my face.

"What the fuck are you doing being all friendly to the hostages, how do you think there going to be terrified to run away when you guys are being friendly with them" I whispered almost shouted.

"Sorry we're just trying to make them feel more comfortable you know" Bad said receiving a nod of agreement from Quackity.

"No we can't be comforting to them, they need to be terrified of us, okay?" I said

"Geez dude okay" Quackity said going back to the main room.

Bad looked at me for a moment " Dream, what's wrong you seem off and stressed whatever it is tell me" Bad said waiting for a response.

"Nothing I'm fine, can you get me one of the workers from the bank to come with me please"

"Yeah wait a minute" Bad said walking away and opening the door of the main room "you come with me please" . There was no response to that answer, just silence so I decided to see what was going on.

"Whats taking so lo-" before I could finish my sentence, there stood what I assumed was one of the workers, refusing to go with bad. I was pissed.

"Why are you ignoring instructions" I asked the worker glaring at him.

"I don't want to die" the worker said

I chuckled straight away. Why do they think we are you going kill them? I stopped and looked at the trembling man " well i wasn't going to kill you i need you for something but now that you are refusing I might"

The hostage gulped at my comment and walked forward to me. I grabbed him by the shoulder, receiving a whimper from him and whispered "try that again and your dead" He nodded as he walked out. Before I closed the door I met my eyes with George. He was looking back at me.

I moved my mask a little to the side exposing my eyes and winked at George. Don't know why I did that but I felt like it. I inherited a confused look from him. Satisfied I fixed my mask and walked out.

I took the worker to the control room and told him what he had to do. He asked me he needed the rest of his team so I got the rest of them and told them to get to work. Sapnap and Karl were on the look out if they tried to do any funny business.

I met with Quackity and Bad in the main room and told them what was currently happening then soon enough told techno . Techno told me that the police still didn't know about this heist, not being surprised as the police themselves are oblivious.

Before I walked out of the room, I could feel a stare engraving on my back. I turned around and spotted a stare coming from the corner of the room. It was that little friend of Georges. I chuckled before I heard a British voice saying "Wilbur I don't like him" becoming aware that It was George saying that as he walked towards Wilbur with a frustrated tone.

I stood there in confusion. Why did he think that George liked me? Why am I assuming they are taking about me?

I walked out trying to find a reason why George's friend had thought he liked me.

George's POV

did he just wink at me?

Why the hell did he wink at me, my captor winking at me for what?

Before drowning into my thoughts I felt Wilbur hit the back of my head roughly making me come back to reality.

"George what was that? He just winked at you"

"I don't know Wilbur"

"What do you mean you don't know you have to know he did it to you no one else"

"Trust me Wilbur I'm just as confused as you are" I said walking away trying to avoid the tension that was building up.

"Do you like him? Please tell me the truth I saw the way you reacted to what he did"

I stood there with nothing in my mind just Dream, he was starting to live rent free in my head and I didn't like it one bit.

"George" Wilbur shouted

I breathed out in frustration and hurried to him "Wilbur I don't like him"

Wilbur wasn't focusing on me anymore, he was looking at the door or so I thought. When I went to see what he was looking at, it came to my senses that he was looking dream.

"Shit" I muttered as I saw dream walk of of the room.

Did he hear me? No he couldn't of. Why am I thinking that he did and if he did what was the problem, it's not like he knows I was talking about him.

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