26. Eun Ae

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Sun rays peeked in the room, brightening up the surroundings. Soft rays touched Suga's face as his eyes fluttered open. He groaned softly as he stretched his arms and turned around. His queen was sleeping peacefully after a long time. He softly smiled at her. He got up and dressed himself. He opened the door and found Anhye's maids bowing on seeing him. He placed his finger on his lips and told them to prepare a relaxing bath quietly for the queen. They quickly did it and Suga told them to wait outside. He would call them. 

After sending the maids out, he sat beside you. He leaned forward and pecked Anhye's lips. And caressed her hair. Anhye opened up her eyes feeling the tingling sensation and opened her eyes to see Suga looking at her softly and playing with her hair. 

-"Good morning, queen."

-"Good morning, my king." 

Without any word, he removed the blanket from her body and picked her up in his arms. Anhye, who was naked, blushed and hid her face in Suga's chest and shouted.

-"Yah! W-What are you doing?"

-"I just want to get you refreshed. You must be tired from last night." He carried Anhye to their large bathtub, filled with warm water, petals of rose and some other flowers filled with fragrance. He placed her inside the bathtub and helped her wash, while Anhye played with the water. She was so busy playing that she didn't realize that some water fell on Suga. She turned around and stopped smiling to see a furious Suga standing.

-"I-I am really sorry. I d-didn't mean it. I am very sorry!" 

Instead of saying anything, Suga walked to the bathtub and started splashing her with water with a big smile. Both started to play and laugh and Anhye pulled him into the bathtub. Both of them played and after a while, Anhye hugged Suga. 

-"Thank you so much, I love you."

-"I love you too."

Yoongi walked out and changed himself while Anhye wore her inner garments inside the bathroom. After walking out she saw Suga magically transforming his hair from short black to his long blonde hair. Anhye stood there mesmerized. She walked to him and helped him tie his hair into a bun. 

Suga kissed her forehead and walked out while all her maids entered the room and prepared the queen for the day.

Meanwhile; on the mountains:

The lady was standing outside till the morning thinking that she would surprise Suga. 


-"Eun Ae! What are you doing here?" She heard the voice and turned around to see Dojeon standing.

-"Oh! Dojeon, it is really good to see you again after a long time."

-"I asked what are you doing here?" He asked with an expressionless face.

-"I want to meet Suga! Where is he?" Dojeon didn't want to tell her the truth, nor he has the power to talk against her.

-"Suga is out somewhere for a few months." 

-"Where did he went?" 

-"I don't know. He said he needed to check over some places and might take few months to return." 

-"Oh really? Then it's my bad. I will then stay here for some months till he returns."

-"I don't know when he will return so instead of struggling here, please go back to the North, Guardian!"

My Cat | Min Yoongi ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon