"Say what?" I laughed.

"You should come over and hang out." Matt told me.

"As tempting as it would be for any woman wanting to be at the great Synyster Gates's house, I'm gonna give that a hard pass." I smiled.

"Told ya! She is a fan!" Zack yelled to Matt.

Both Matt and I rolled our eyes at him.

"Listen, Brian is just going through some shit right now. He's not a bad guy." Matt assured me.

"Sounds like something an asshole would say." I smiled, watching them both burst out laughing.

"Oh come on! I helped you out when these pricks didn't do shit that day." Matt smiled at me.

"Alright, alright. You're not an asshole. As of yet anyways." I grinned.

"Thank you." Matt smiled.

"Seriously, come over. And wear this." Zack said staring down my body.

"Hey dickhead!" I snapped at him.

Zack jerked his head up to look me in the eyes. That sly smirk spread across his face.

"Eyes up here." I said, pointing at my own.

"Oops! Sorry." He smiled.

"Good christ, I can't take you anywhere." Matt muttered to Zack.

"I appreciate the offer, but I am exhausted. It's been a long day for me." I told them.

"Fine, we will give you a pass tonight. But, not tomorrow night." Matt grinned.

"What is tomorrow night?" I asked.

"Tomorrow is Friday, and we are having a party!" I heard Jimmy scream out of nowhere.

All three of us jumped at his loud voice. I saw Jimmy pop up from my bushes. I let out a giggle at him. He hopped the deck rail and stood in front of me.

"James Sullivan at your service!" Jimmy announced to me.

"I see that." I smiled at him.

"Um, sorry about him. He gets really antsy if we leave him alone for too long." Zack explained.

"It's fine." I grinned.

"So, you hanging out or what tomorrow?" Jimmy asked bluntly.

"Where and can I bring a friend?" I asked them.

"They fan girls? I'm not into fan girls." Jimmy said suspiciously.

"My brother." I said.

"Yeah. Bring him along." Matt grinned.

"Sure. We can swing by for a bit. Where and what time?" I asked them.

"My place. Any time after seven." Zack told me.

"And you live where exactly?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. Got paper and a pen?" He asked.

I looked at the three of them. Matt is still hold Bruce, which I find hilarious. This huge man is holding my ten pound little dog.

I opened the door, and gestured for them to come inside. Jimmy darted past me. I giggled and followed him.

Matt set Bruce down, while I dug around for paper and pen in my desk. I glanced up as they looked around my condo. I'm not sure why I'm not freaked out by them being here, and yes, I mean total fan girling, but I'm not. Maybe my encounters with Brian is why. Who knows.

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