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Four days Ago

Mirko woke up strapped to a chair. It was the first day.

"Huh... Well, they did say it would be bad. For them, they must mean it..."

A portal spiraled open, and Dabi walked in.


"Ah. Hello there."

"Shut up." Dabi smacked the hero in the face. "I didn't give you permission to speak."

Mirko could see the self hatred in Dabi's eyes as he spoke down to her. She nodded and let the man talk.

"Let's get some things straight. You, are not a hero. Not anymore." Dabi's hand flickered with blue flames, he placed it on Mirko's shoulder. The rabbit hero gave a shout of pain. "Here, you will be reduced to nothing..." Dabi took his hand away. A large indent of a human hand had been burned into Mirko's flesh. A bit of white ash was visible on the injury.

"And then, you'll come back broken, but sharpened... More battle ready... less hesitant."

Dabi kissed Mirko without a second thought, but as he did, he stabbed her in the arm. The rabbit hero winced in pain.

"And you will refer to Izuka... As Miss Izuka..." Dabi whispered in her ear. "You belong to her now... Her little bunny."

Mirko shuddered at the sound of Dabi's words. "Ah... do you like that? Being known as somebody's pet?" Mirko shook a bit more.

Dabi smirked as he stood up straight. "Ah... don't worry little bunny... your owner will be in here soon."

Dabi walked out through a new warp gate. The gate stayed open, and a giant monster walked out. The beast stalked over to the rabbit hero. Mirko shivered, this time in fright.

'What the hell is that? Is that what they train against?'

The Nomu began attacking the restrained Mirko. The rabbit hero felt her bones crack. The beast raked a claw down her leg. It bit a notch in her ear. After a half hour of physical torture, the beast left, and a different one came in.

This Nomu took Mirko's arm and pierced it with its claws. It left its claws in the woman's arm, and Mirko felt something pump into her. All of the sudden, it felt like fire was burning through her body. Whatever this Nomu was doing, Mirko felt it. The Nomu went to her other arm, before moving to her stomach. The last injection made Mirko cry out. She felt something leave her. Before losing consciousness.


Mirko woke up to hear Izuka in the room. The girl toyed with her a bit, before leaving. Next came more Nomu, And Mirko was knocked unconscious yet again.

Mirko's eyes fluttered open as Izuka kissed her.


Izuka slapped her across the face. "Who am I?"

"Miss Izuka..." Mirko said.

The girl giggled a bit and settled in the rabbit heroes lap. "Good little bunny... I think that you're really starting to accept what you are..." Izuka drew her face up to Mirko's, making their noses touch. The rabbit hero tried to move her lips to kiss her captor, but Izuka stopped her with a finger.

"Come now... We won't be doing that quite yet... WHen you come out my little bunny... when you come out..."

Izuka stroked Mirko's cheek with her thumb, before settling on Mirko's lips. The rabbit hero nibbled on the girls thumb, causing her to giggle. "So good... You really do like this don't you... My pet..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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