Stain! Memories

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There were four months left until the UA entrance exam. Bakugo had grown quite a bit. After the beach was cleared, Toshinori had the teenagers spar. Sometimes he would take them to a gym to do weightlifting.

Bakugo was now pretty much pure muscle. He and All Might had gone to UA some days to work on One For All. He never got anywhere.

The furthest Katsuki went was breaking all of his limbs. That was it.

Of course, Recovery girl got pissed at him every time he broke himself. She had a right to be upset. She wasted time on people who hurt themselves on purpose, in the same way all the time.

"You know, if he doesn't get in I won't ever heal him." The nurse said. "Honestly, I shouldn't even heal him now. With all this preparation he'd better be ready."

"He will be. I know it."



Izuka and Toga were both groaning on a newer couch. One that Dabi had gotten specifically for them. Where he kept getting the couches, nobody knew.


Kurogiri walked into the bar like any other day. He got straight to cleaning glasses, as was his routine. Looking up, he realized something was missing.

"Hmmm. I wonder if Tomura disintegrated another..."


In any case, it was clear that there was nothing to do.

"Have you tried a movie?" Dabi suggested.

"Done that. You have shit taste by the way. I mean Scarface? Really?" Izuka said.

"Hey! That movie is one of the best ever!" Dabi said.

"Yeah, and I have a dick." Toga laughed.

"I mean, babe. Depending on your quirk..."

"Oh yeah! Nevermind, ummm. Yeah! And that couch isn't for brooding!" Toga pointed to the brooding couch. Dabi rolled his eyes.

"Okay then." Jin said. "Have you tried cuddling?"

"Yeah. We are right now." Toga said. "By the way Izuka, your tits are growing."

Dabi facepalmed. "Just go fuck each other already."

"Did it an hour ago."

"Didn't need to know that." Jin said.

"So little to do." Toga grumbled. "Hey Izuka. Do you think that your green hair gives you away? Your identity I mean."

"No. We normally kill anybody who sees us."

"Yeah. But what if somebody escapes one time." Toga said. "I mean, just saying. We should dye your hair."

Izuka shrugged. "Well, It's something to do I guess. Hey Dabi, got any hair dye?"

"I don't use-"

"Yes you do."

The fire wielder sighed. "Maintenance closet, top shelf, on the right. Hair stuff is there."

Izuka and Toga got up and walked down the hall.

"By the way, thanks for the fucking couch."

"Rude." Dabi said, before realizing. "YOU DIDN'T!"

Jin poured a cup of coffee. "Never going to sit there."

Izuka and Toga worked for the next few hours on dying Izuka's hair. First, they bleached it. After that, they had to choose between a couple of colors. Pink, Blue, purple, Black.

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