Himiko's Vengeance

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"So what have you been doing on Saturdays?"

Kirishima sat with Bakugo. There were now two months until the UA entrance exam. Bakugo and Kirishima were cramming for the written test.

"Why do you need to know?" Bakugo grumbled.

"I'm worried about you man! I don't want you to be doing something unhealthy."

Bakugo turned to the red haired teen. "Look, okay. I've been going to the woods where I used to play with her. I made a memorial spot there, and I go there to clear my head."

Kirishima nodded. "Okay. I have a place like that. It's out by the beach. A cliff overlooking the water. I used to see Himiko standing there after school. It's good to have a place like that, just be safe okay?"

Bakugo gave a sad smile. "Okay."

Kirishima got up and walked over to the blonde boy. "Come on, hug."

Bakugo accepted the embrace. He felt his face grow hot. The blonde quickly pecked Kirishima on the side of the head.

"You good?"

"Yeah, sorry. Just an itch on my nose."


Izuka sat on the couch. Toga was pouring a glass of water.

"So Toga, I've been wondering, what is your conviction?"

Toga walked over to the couch. "You heard me when we met Stain. I want to help you."

"Yeah. But don't you have anybody that you want to hurt?"

"All the time. My Parents, I want to kill them so badly." Toga smiled. She suddenly dropped her glass of water. "Shit. I'll take care of it."

Toga cleaned up the water before opening their refrigerator. Inside hung a number of blood bags. Toga took one and popped in a straw.

"Babe, are you okay?"

Toga nodded, a blank look on her face. Izuka noticed that she was shaking slightly.

"Come here." Izuka opened her arms. Toga shook her head.

"Toga, come here." Toga finished the blood. Her face contorted.


Izuka leapt up and ran to Toga's side. "Toga, calm down."

"Get away! I don't want to hurt you." Toga cried. "I need more blood, or else I'll go out of control."

Izuka whipped out a knife and sliced lines down her arm. "Take mine."

Toga was speechless. She looked up into the green eye of her girlfriend. "No one's ever offered..."

"Take it. I want you to feel better."

Toga lapped the blood off of Izuka's arm. "Thank's. I feel better." Toga said. "My quirk makes me ravenous whenever I talk about... Them. It's just... They still terrify me. I don't think that I can get close to them..."

Izuka rubbed Toga's back. "It's okay. I lose control whenever I hear All- Hrrg. All- well, you get the point. If you want, I can go with you to kill them."

"You'd do that? For a monster like me?"

"Hey. You aren't a monster. You're a crazy badass who I'd destroy anything for."

Toga kissed Izuka. "Okay then. Two days, then we'll go."

"Okay babe. You know that I love you right?"

The Ascension Saga Book One: GhostWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu