Break And Reforge

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So we've got somewhat of a backstory, I'll keep going from there.

I mean, everybody wants to know what's in the suitcases right?

So let's go!


"You did well. And you had the girl go with you?"

All For One sat before Izuka, Toga, and Dabi.

"Yes sir, she wanted to come. And she was very useful."

All For One's lips curled into a smile. "Good, good... Tell me of the mission. What happened?"

Izuka and Toga just sat on the floor of the room, flicking bits of dust around.

"Dabi always does the rundown thing... Get used to being bored..." Toga mumbled.

"Actually, I want to hear the way he tells about me killing the informant guy." Izuka grinned. Toga took delight in the madness present in Izuka's eyes.

"Sir, we arrived at the house and Yukiho attempted to trick us, playing us for idiots. After confronting him, he revealed that he had used his quirk 'Mirage' to hide his bodyguards. Toga and I each took out five. I was then knocked out by Yukiho, who had snuck up behind me. I'll let Toga tell the rest as I cannot recollect it." Dabi said.

Toga stood up and stretched. "The asshole guy grabbed me and put a knife to my throat. I tried to get him away but he was surprisingly strong. I could see Izuka shudder as he talked of stealing me and using me as a slave. Something in Izuka snapped." Toga shuddered, as if recalling the entire thing was making her horny. "She threw a knife at lightning speed, and killed Yukiho with a single strike, embedding the knife in his forehead."

All For One smiled. "Is that so? Izuka, come forward." Izuka walked towards the man. "You have... untapped potential. Anybody who saw you as a waste is wrong... I'd like you to take everything recovered from the house. I believe that you will make good use of it."

Izuka bowed. "I will do my best to make you proud Sensei."

The man smiled. "Of course. Now, you two haven't had a good rest in a while, and you Izuka, have been through a lot as well. Go take a few days to collect yourselves. I'll give you missions when you are as good as you can be. Actually..."

The man looked Izuka up and down. "Nevermind. For the next three months, train her. She might be able to throw a knife, but she'll need more muscle."

Dabi and Toga bowed. "Yes sensei."

The three left the building once more. They went the same route they took after Izuka came back to life. Street, room, bar, hosu. This time they stayed at the apartment building.

"Alrighty then." Dabi said. "Let's open these babies up, and then we'll start your training."

Izuka nodded. "Okay, Let me take the hard drives first." The girl brought the box of drives to her room. She came back to see Dabi holding a really nice Laptop.

"Um... Can I have this?"

"Seeing as you opened that without me, no."

"But there's three!" Dabi groaned. "Come on!"

Izuka walked up beside the man. There were three laptops stacked on top of each other. Chargers for each were also in the suitcase, as well as several usb's and adapters.

"Get Toga. I'm sure that she'll want one." Izuka said. Dabi called the blonde in.

Toga pretty much glowed when she saw that one of the computers was blood red. Izuka gave it to her. The Laptop that Dabi pulled out was blue, so he got that one. The remaining one was black. Izuka picked it up and brought it back to her room.

The Ascension Saga Book One: GhostWhere stories live. Discover now