Your Symbol Of Despair

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The door to the USJ was blown away as All Might stalked into the building. Minoru Mineta shed tears of joy as he saw the symbol of peace.


Only then did Mineta realize. All Might wasn't smiling. The grape head laughed maniacally.


All Might disappeared in a burst of wind. He suddenly appeared back at the stairs, holding Aizawa, Bakugo, Kirishima, and Todoroki. The villains that were recovering from Aizawa were floored once more.

"Young Bakugo. Take Aizawa to Iryu. The other two will be fine until the other teachers get here."

"But what about-"

All Might locked eyes with Bakugo. "Go!"

Bakugo bolted up the stairs with Aizawa on his back. He quickly found the student healer and rushed Aizawa to her side.

"What the hell happened?"

"That villain kicked our shit! All Might's got it now. Don't worry."

Bakugo rushed back to the center of the USJ. He saw three of the four villains watching a battle between All Might and the fourth villain.

The Nomu third to overpower the pro hero, but All Might had gone full steam from the beginning. With three mighty blows, the Nomu was sent flying out of the USJ.

"Rrrrr. He's not any weaker..." Shigaraki growled.

Bakugo saw a portal begin to open. He launched himself at the purple mist villain.

"Sir! We need to-ufff." Kurogiri was pinned to the ground by Bakugo.

"One move at me and you won't have your escape gate."

All Might walked towards the villains. Izuka stepped in front of Shigaraki, who was flexing his hands in preparation. "There's no reason for that. I won't let us be taken today."

All Mights eyes narrowed. Izuka appeared before him. Slightly startled by the villains speed, All Might jumped back.

"You're fast. But are you fast enough?"

All Might leapt forward with a punch. Bakugo watched as the villain dodged a full power Delaware smash with ease. "No way."

Izuka felt the wind coming off of All Mights fist as it passed over her face. Curving her spine back, she flipped backwards and kicked All Mights fist upwards, sending the shockwave into the air.

All Might used the chance to try to knee Izuka, but she had flipped out of range. The number one hero rushed in once more and threw another punch, only to have it hit open air. The villain before him was gone.


'Duck, flip, sidestep, crouch...'

Izuka slipped behind All Might and began mimicking his movements, almost like a mime. The pro hero stomped, and she stomped. The hero turned and she leapt behind him, mimicking his stance.

'Duck, flip, sidestep, crouch...'

All Might tried to rush Shigaraki, But Izuka would grab him and turn him around, before hopping back into his blind spot.

The Ascension Saga Book One: GhostWhere stories live. Discover now