Kenji Hikiishi

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And we're back. This time... we get some action.

Soon the Hosu incident will happen. But we need a bit of preparation. A bit of recruitment, maybe a chapter where I show some training for Tetsutetsu. Oh, and villain Mirko... I have a design for her.

I'll talk about that soon. So for now, let's get into it.


All For One sat in his chair, a glass of wine in his hand. A table lay before him, a white tablecloth over it. Three plates lay on the table, the first contained no food. Inko's ghost sat behind it. The second was his, it held a bit of rice and some other food.

The third belonged to Izuka, who had dressed up nicely for the first ever "Midoriya Family Dinner."

"So how is your infiltration of UA?" Inko asked with a smile.

Izuka took a bite of her food, before dabbing her face with a napkin. "It's going well. Toga and I have made new allies. They will join the league soon."

"Describe these... new allies." All For one set his wine down.

"The first is my lab partner, Hatsume Mei. She has already joined Toga and I in missions, and has made gear for Toga. The second is a boy with a quirk that makes his skin steel. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. He too has joined Toga and I in missions."

"How do you know that they can be trusted?" All For One pondered.

"They have killed for me already. The heroes also know nothing of our plans, I befriended Hatsume before we attacked the USJ. Toga did the same with Tetsutetsu." Izuka said.

All For One smiled. "These two are marvellous assets. A hardening quirk would be very useful in our ranks..."

"It's more than hardening." Izuka said. "His quirk uses the iron in his bloodstream to turn him into steel. He's the one who lost in the one on one in the sports festival."

All For Ones face broke into a maniac grin. "Ah... that one. Yes, he can be trusted. He lost quite badly, and the heroes insulted him for it... they don't know potential when they see it."

"His quirk is quite powerful. He needs to consume meals high in iron to keep his quirk working. Turns out nobody thought of blood as a way to get the mineral..."

"Ah... so you've already improved him?"

"Enough to kill a hero." Izuka smiled. "But enough of me. Mom, what have you been doing?"

Inko's ghost smiled. "Oh, well now that you know I'm here, I've been spending time with your father. It's lovely to see our family back together again..."

"It certainly is..." All For One said. "Even if it is not how I intended, it is nice to be together once more."

"Dad... I have a question, concerning All Mights quirk..."

All For One took a bite of food. "What is it that you need to know?"

"I need to know its origins... you refer to him as your arch enemy... does it have to do with your quirk?"

The villain nodded. "All Might is the latest holder of the quirk. The only one to survive for so long. The other holders all had their own quirk, and yet toshinori was the first to be quirkless."

"He was WHAT?" Izuka growled.

Inko went over to Izuka's side and gave her a ghostly hug. "Sweetie... I'm so sorry..."

"The story of his power and mine are intertwined. His quirk is known as 'One For All' It was born of my power. I gave a quirk to my younger brother. The quirk allowed him to stockpile energy. I had thought my brother to be quirkless, but he had a useless power. It allowed him to pass on quirks through his DNA. The two powers combined, and One For All was born. Toshinori was the first quirkless to inherit it."

The Ascension Saga Book One: GhostWhere stories live. Discover now