"It won't be normal..." Hatsume growled. "He won't be around... It won't be normal."

"We know." Mic hugged the girl.

"We know."


Tetsutetsu threw a punch at the punching bag in front of him. Dabi grunted as he held the bag. "Damn, you've got a punch all right..."


"Just gonna tell you, you got a lot of shit to deal with soon."

"The endurance training and psychological torture right?"

Dabi grunted as Tetsutetsu punched again. "Yeah... Izuka told you, didn't she."

"Not gonna lie, sounds like hell. But it's necessary for me to be stronger right?"

Dabi nodded. "Yeah. What they did to you at UA has nothing on this."

Tetsutetsu chuckled as he threw a final punch. "Yeah well, I kinda did just die. Sensei revived me like Izuka. I'll be fine."

"That shit changed people." Dabi said, backing up a bit as Tetsutetsu got behind the punching bag. "Made Izuka bat shit crazy."

"Yeah, but she's still my friend. It's mandatory to do it right? I can't help out if I don't do it."

Dabi threw a punch. "You'll have to do double because you have a hardening quirk. Sensei will force your quirk to activate several times too."

Tetsutetsu shrugged. "Fine. I'm still gonna do it."

Dabi chuckled and shook his head. "Yup, you're definitely one of Izuka's friends."


Izuka, Toga, and Hatsume stepped through the purple mist and into the Vanguard apartments. Tetsutetsu smiled and waved at them, and was immediately crushed in a hug from Toga.

"Sorry. I just... You're one of my true friends. And even fake losing you for just a moment is- well... hard."

Tetsutetsu smiled. "Well, you don't have to worry guys. I'm not going to-"

"You've still got the two weeks of training." Dabi called.

Toga grabbed Tetsutetsu by the shoulders and shook him. "Are you sure that you're ready? When are you supposed to do it? Is Mirko doing it too?"

"Woah woah! Calm down! Mirko actually went in this morning. I'm gonna start in a little bit."

Toga hugged him. "Good luck. Just remember that we all did it too."

"Well, I didn't." Hatsume said.

"You're still a student at UA, who is confirmed to be alive, and attending the school. You have parents. We also need you to be more uh... stable."

"Yeah. It'd be a little fishy if you disappeared for two weeks." Izuka said.

Tetsutetsu grinned. "Well. I guess this is it then. I'm going in soon..."

"Stay sane." Izuka joked.

"Aha... ahaha... you're terrible." Tetsutetsu fake laughed.

"So you gotta go now?" Izuka raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah..."

"All righty. Night night!"

"What do you-"

Tetsutetsu was out cold as Izuka smacked him across the face.

"All right. You're up Dabi. I'll go do my part on Mirko." Izuka walked off as Dabi dragged Tetsutetsu into an empty room.

The Ascension Saga Book One: GhostWhere stories live. Discover now