"This... power. Would it be able to stockpile quirks as well?" Izuka asked.

"Now that is a thought... None of the successors displayed powers like their predecessors. But then again, they never lived that long... What makes you ask?"

Izuka took a sip of water. Inko drifted back to her seat. "Katsuki Bakugo is the next successor. I'm sure of it... His power should be explosion, but he used super strength, some type of enhancement... and then, in the sports festival, he controlled some kind of shadow..."

"Can you describe this shadow?" All For One asked.

"It came from his arm... When he was controlled by Hitoshi Shinso. It was hard to see, but there was a flicker of black along his arm. Hatsume told me that it snapped him out of the trance by slapping him."

"Black whip then..."

"Ah... Daigoro..." Inko sighed.

"Daigoro Banjo. Also known as the pro hero 'Lariat'. He was the fifth holder of One For All. That power sounds like his quirk, Black Whip..." All For One said. "It appears that you are correct... One For All can stockpile quirks..."

"Then what do we do?" Izuka asked. "I don't think I can stand up to six supercharged quirks, and super strength."

"No... You can't yet... But you will be able to. Give it time..." All For One smiled. "Now, it's getting late. It appears that you have finished dinner. You are excused. Have a good night my dear."

"Thank you sensei." Izuka bowed.

"Please, call me father." All For One said.

"Okay. Thank you father." Izuka smiled.

"Now go on. Do your thing."

A portal opened, and Izuka stepped through. Kurogiri appeared soon after to clear her dishes, before he too left.

"Well sweetie. We still have a bit of time..."

"You're not going to live much longer, are you..."

"My dear, I will become a spirit like you, and help you in watching over our daughter..."

"But when will that be?"

"I feel that time drawing near... I don't know how much longer, all I know is that it will be soon, almost too soon..."


Izuka stepped into her bedroom, where Toga was busy suiting up.

"You've got a mission?"

"We have a mission." Toga said. "I already emailed the school under our emails, explaining how we'd miss tomorrow and Thursday. We should be back by Friday."

"Where are we going?" Izuka asked, pulling on her outfit.

"We've got a new potential recruit... He, well, She has been hiding in China. A villain that goes by Magne."

"Huh... how is this gonna go down then?"

"They've been chased out of several countries. They haven't been sighted in Japan yet. So they can join us and remain off of the radar for a bit. But we only have a small window of time." Toga said. "We should take these."

Toga tossed Izuka her collapsible staff.

"Just in case, you know?"

"I never drop my sword." Izuka said. "But I'll take it..."

"Okay, let's go."

A portal opened, and the duo stepped through.

"It's good that you aren't recognized in that outfit here." Toga said, as they leapt out of the portal and onto the rooftops of Qing Qing city.

The Ascension Saga Book One: GhostWhere stories live. Discover now