17| Drunken Words

Mulai dari awal

The look Lorena gave me when I said that, would put you 6 feet under the ground. Literally.

"You.did.what.!" She screamed. "Calm down!" I yelled back.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! Girl you just kissed a man that everyone likes and thinks is hot, and you are telling me to calm down! Not only that but you ran away after the kiss?!" She told me.

"I know I know... I just didn't know what else to do and I didn't know what that kiss meant so I just thought of something simple and that was to leave." I explained.

"Hell no, we are for sure hanging out at the club now, I'll start calling them and we'll leave tonight." She said, while standing up.

"No no no no, oh my gosh that's going to be so awkward!" I said putting my hands on my head.

I looked up to see Lorena already talking on the phone. Well shit. Too late now.

After a few minutes passed, Lorena came back and sat her booty down. "Ok so, they agreed to come and we're going to one of Matteo's club because it's safer. Also we are going to leave at 10:00 PM tonight." She chirped.

"Yay life." I said sarcastically. Lorena just rolled her eyes and asked me to watch movies with her while waiting for tonight, I agreed.

"Wait so now you want to watch movies?" I rolled my eyes as I faced her.

She just smiled innocently at me, "yes! Only for you."


"I think I'm going to curl my hair." Lorena said, scratching her invisible beard.

"Alright and I'm done picking out an outfit." I replied back.

Currently it's 9:20 PM, me and Lorena are getting ready to head to the club. She already picked out her outfit but is decided if she should curl, or tie her hair up.

I, on the other hand, have finished showering, shaving and straightening my hair. Now I just finished finding an outfit to wear.

I decided on wearing a black short dress that reached a bit under my butt. The straps where tied around my neck, a triangle shape cut out showing my back.

Her outfit ^^

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Her outfit ^^

I wore a gold necklace and some back heels and had white shimmer filled bottom.

"Ok I'm done, I just need to grab a purse and then we can head out." I said smoothing out my dress.

"Damn girl you look sexy as fuck!" She whistled.
I chuckled in response and thanked her.

One Way (Mafia Romance)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang