Chapter 50

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Sugawara's POV : 

Lunch came by relatively quickly as we gathered outside, meeting up with Asahi and the second years. Our little group was slowly expanding and there was something oddly comforting about that. "Hey Suga... can I ask you something?" Daichi asked glancing nervously at me, the conversation had been relatively light hearted so his current nervous attitude seemed out of place. I couldn't think of anything that may have triggered it, he wasn't panicking was he? I instantly went into my overanalytical mindset, looking him over trying to spot any signs of a panic attack. Now I was aware he endured them, I wouldn't forgive myself for not noticing one. 

"Sure." I smiled, hoping it would cause him to ease up, but he appeared only to become more tense as even Asahi noticed his shift in demeanour, but it seemed everyone was in on what he was going to ask again - me being out the loop again. I looked at everyone faces trying to decipher what was going to be said, that was when Daichi cleared his throat pulling my attention back at him.

I could see in my peripheral as Asahi traced a triangle on his hand and Daichi mimicked him, calming himself with the fidgeting, only raising his gaze to meet my own in intervals. "Well... erm, when we had our first date that wasn't a date, but was lowkey a date..." He started, his tongue tying itself in knots as he tried to speak to me. I saw Nishinoya facepalm and could hear the second years soft chuckles seeing their Captain getting so worked up over seemingly nothing. "Well... I thought for our first official date, a date that's high-key a date this time that I would..." He gulped pausing again, I could see the words there but he was struggling to spit them out. I pulled his hands into my own and looked at him, patiently and offering reassurance. "Well I want to show you round my home, we spent the day in Tokyo with you showing me all your favourite places - a look-book through what made you who you are... so will you go on a date with me this weekend so I can show you around my home... and now I'm just rambling..." It was sweet, knowing he had this softer side off of the court, knowing that I could unlock something in him that was fill of love and adoration.

I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders pulling him into a hug and I heard our mini audience whooping and cheering at us. 

"Wow, great delivery Daichi." Ennoshita laughed as we all saw the relief visibly wash over him.

Tanaka, despite trying his best to contain his boisterous laugh, he had to throw in his two cents. "Couldn't have said it better myself Cap'n!"

Nishinoya also took this opportunity to throw his own meme into the air, mimicking the stuttering as he turned to Asahi, knelt dramatically on the ground on one knee. "Hey Asahi... would... would... you..." 

Instead of joining in the jests, as I let go of Daichi he leant around me to see everyone and raised an eyebrow, "I didn't realise you guys had extra energy you wanted to burn... 25 laps for you all." His expression back to neutral with a deadly serious expression causing silence to rattle over everyonee - everyone apart from me who finally erupted into laughter. 

God I love this team, our playful mocking, consensual bullying - the memes and the laughs. I couldn't have asked for a better start to the final year.

"Of course I will go on a date with you." I grinned back at Daichi offering him a quick kiss on the cheek before digging into my bento. "Also everyone, don't forget the leverage I have, I mean me and Daichi are a package deal now." I smirked over at Tanaka as I opened the TikTok app and pulled up his profile, "Wow TanTan... this thirst trap is something else." I laughed as I showed the screen to all the second years who were now bursting into hysterics looking at the fifteen second clip replay on the screen over and over as Tanaka blushed a deep cherry. 

I then turned my attention to Noya who turned a ghostly pale, "Oh no... Suga..." He started but I simply turned my phone back to me and started typing into the search bar for the other second year I had found on the app. "Oh Noya... has Asahi seen this yet?" I asked as I turned the screen to show Asahi one of Nishinoyas more suggestive TikTok dances and watched as Asahi blushed and Noya tried to shake it off. 

"I think he has seen more than that with less clothing." His comment causing Asahi to recoil further from the conversation hiding behind his hands. I laughed heartily at it, I enjoyed winding them up, this is why our little group works. The lunch bell rang shortly after as we all began making our ways back to class. I sat excitedly by the window, ready to get these afternoon lessons over - I was excited to practice. 

After this morning, I can change in the changing rooms, no surprises, no judgement and it felt so good. I was one of the boys, I was always one of the boys but the small action of not hiding every time I need to change solidified that idea in my head. I felt warm and fuzzy in my chest, why was everything going so well? What had I done recently to deserve this - I wasn't sure but I wasn't about to jinx myself. Karma was on my side and I couldn't be happier. 

I found myself skipping into the clubroom to change, everyone seemed to pick up on my shift in mood from this morning as I got changed quickly humming to myself and racing down to the gym to set up. Everything was so good recently - what the hell? 

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