Chapter 33

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Daichi POV :

The day continued to progress, after the sugar filled breakfast Suga had ploughed through, we continued to go site seeing, for the most part it was Suga leading the way and derailing my plan. However, no matter how off course we had become, seeing him smile in his home was beautiful. Tokyo had truly kept his heart for these past three years. He seemed to skip down familiar streets, dragging me along routes he would take to school, or to the shops, or to his favourite hangout locations. Wherever we went he would steal a picture of me and I would take pictures of him. His heart was on his sleeve as he smiled breathing in his surroundings. 

"See this was my old school!" He told me excitedly as we passed the junior high, he was pointing at it, showing me around the museum of his life. "It was the first school I was out at... I started here with my new name." He leant against the school wall soaking in the nostalgia. I just admired him, he looked relaxed - he was comfortable enough to mention it around me. I smiled at him, he was soaking in his surroundings he looked so comfortable - relaxed. 

I leant next to him, "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want, I know some wanker kinda drop kicked you out into the open." It felt weird hearing him talk about himself as if he was a different person at some point. My brain couldn't visualise it and I didn't want to. Suga simply shrugged and smiled towards me. 

"Honestly, it's nice having you know... I mean I wish I'd told you but at the same time, it's like a weight being lifted ya know?" He seemed content, more himself than he was this morning. Things were beginning to fall back in place between us. The awkwardness was leaving and we were just hanging out as we always did. How is he so relaxed all the time? The afternoon sun was casting shadows across his face, as he leant looking up at the sky, his hair falling back and waving slightly in the breeze. He looked at peace once again, I began thinking if I'd ever seen him look like this in Miyagi. Perhaps the odd time, maybe when we would sit on the tops to watch the sunset with Asahi, or sometimes when we finish a good match he would have this expression. Not exactly happy but not sad - a vision of pure content. 

I pulled out the camera to snap a pic, the flash only causing him to chuckle at me. Teh shock of the flash had worn out with me pulling it out without warning at several points throughout the day. "So how did your mum come up with such a fun idea?" Suga asked motioning to the camera before returning to his content state. I shrugged, I don't remember an exact point where it started being a thing.

I joined him in looking at the clouds float by, "Well, I think probably when the twins came along. Going from having one child to three was pretty chaotic I imagine and it's easier to carry a disposable camera than something expensive with a load of kids." I smiled, "And then when the little horrors came along, it was something that just stuck - some of the chaotic pictures we have from them is well worth it." I smiled to myself, I am truly lucky to have such a big family. It is an experience many miss out on or would get irritable in. I can't complain, being the oldest of five siblings there is never a dull moment, the twins Sakura and Mizuki are always up to something. The two of them only increasing in their sass and irritability as they enter their teenage years. Then the little monsters, Keji who's ten and Eijiro who's five certainly keep things fun too. Keji going through his dinosaur phase means there is always some topic of conversation as he hyper-fixates to the extreme, then little Eijiro just always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm almost convinced he is trying to get himself killed at times, falling down the stairs, walking between the twins arguments, wandering out the house randomly - that gave everyone a heart attack. 

I laughed thinking about my chaotic family, "I guess you need something that can be broken with little consequence in my household." It summed up the Sawamura household pretty well in honesty. Suga watched me in awe as I bragged about my siblings, reminiscing on different family gatherings and listing everything that went wrong, like how last Christmas the twins were fighting on who stood where in the family photo and knocked the Christmas tree over just as the camera took the picture.

"Eijiro is the worst at the moment, he will just straight up walk out of places... like the other day mum got a call from day-care that he just up and left when the teacher wasn't looking." I ended up laughing, "He needs a leash or something I swear down." Suga chuckled with me. 

"I don't think you've ever opened up as much about your family." He said quietly, "You seem so far from yourself yet so in-tune with yourself today, it's hard to explain." He looked at me, his eyes full of emotion. Why are you looking at me like that Sugawara.

I shrugged, "I don't know, I just want to let you close to me. I guess it's easy to get into 'captain' mode and never take the jacket off. It's easy to just hide behind it with the front up." I shrugged as I pulled out a bottle of water from my bag, "It's hard to be vulnerable around people but after crying outside your house I guess you've seen me at my worst." I laughed awkwardly, I need to shake off that one. Defiantly not my best moment. He looked back up at me smiling, the sun framing his features causing my breath to hitch in my throat.

He smiled wide with his eyes closed before blushing. "I like this Daichi." 

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