Chapter 5

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Sugawara POV:

After the disaster of a breakfast I cooked up had been plated I decided to politely take my leave. I didn't need anymore awkward encounters and honestly at this rate - the binder is coming off halfway home and the hoodie I have "temporarily" borrowed from Daichi may be used to drown any sign of a feminine figure. Daichi's hoodie. I smiled to myself beginning to walk home. I had obviously told him I would take it to wash after he let me borrow it - flawless argument if I do say so myself. Self confidence seems to be a strong-suit this fine Sunday. Let's hope it stays that way for the next few days at least.

The sun was shining despite the summer holidays coming to an end, Autumn hadn't quite yet got the memo and today was almost like the world's last defiance before the golden leaves rolled in. I just wish I had someone to spend Autumn weekends with, or the rainy evenings the cold rolling in brings. Maybe not someone, maybe a Daichi. I shook my head trying to shake these new Daichi thoughts away. Suga stop being weird, is this a desperate attempt at getting a high school romance because you're entering your last year? Regardless to the answers I attempted to conjure, I needed to return home and shower. Pyjamas and a good book sounded like the perfect way to spend the sunshine alone. Lounging on the garden swing seat in the back garden, the sun, smell of grass and a nice coffee. Perfect afternoon plan. The longing for my perfect sunny Sunday put a spring in my step to get home sooner.

I lived about twenty minutes from Daichi's. It was perfect putting it politely, always someone nearby should you ever need them or be needed by them. Throughout the past two years there had been countless times we had called on each other whenever someone required that little extra support or aid - regardless of time, place or commitments, it was something special to our little doofus trio. We made time for each other and even when there was no time, it was like chasing the ball on the court, we would force time to work for us. If our friendship is the game, we are the perfect team never letting the ball drop.

Sentiment began to creep it's way into my focus as realisation sunk in - this is my last year in High School. My last chance for those High School memories people are supposed to collect and hold so dear. This year is going to be good, I can feel it!

Reaching my garden gate I gladly hopped over it - rarely bothering to open it - for some reason that had become a tradition between me and my younger brother since moving here. "I'm home!" I called as I entered the house, taking my shoes off and looking around the downstairs for my Mum quickly. She was sat working at her laptop in the dining room, despite it being a Sunday it was like she couldn't help herself sometimes. "Morning." I greeted with a smile.

"Morning sweetie, how was the sleepover?" She asked shutting her laptop lid to give me her undivided attention.

I paused trying to find the word to summarise it. "Good for the most part, I'm going to crawl into pyjamas after a shower and relax in the garden today if that's ok?" Please don't have any housework for me to do.

She gave a small nod of approval before opening her laptop lid again. My queue to find solitude in the comfort of my own home with no interruptions for a brief period. First on the agenda: shower. Going to my room I collected some XL - oversized for comfort - pyjamas before walking to the bathroom for the shower I craved!

I had always found showers calming, ever since being little. Feeling the warm water running over you is grounding in a weird way. As if as the water falls among you and down the plughole it takes all the negativity harboured with it. The shower also allows me free time to let my mind wander wherever it pleases - often thinking about the plot to a recent book or at least what I was studying the day prior. With it being the holiday there were no immediate thoughts, simply content emptiness.

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