Chapter 30

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Sugawara POV : 

I turned around expecting Daichi to be hot on my heels instead I saw him stood with his eyes closed, breathing in deeply as he traced a triangle on his palm. "Dai?" I asked softly as I went up nearer to him cautiously. He opened his eyes to look at me, instantly putting a smile on his face. That smile seems off Sawamura. I thought to myself but I didn't want to call him out. He blinked a couple times as if dragging himself out of his head and beginning to pull himself back to reality. "You ok?" I checked now that he seemed to have steadied his breathing. He gave me a quick nod before snatching the camera to shove in his bag. An awkwardness fell over us now that the fun had stopped.

"Sorry." He apologised quickly before pulling that same piece of paper out of his pocket, shield it from my prying eyes. I did my best to sneak around him to look at the paper. "You can't see it! It will give away my plans." He whined as he continued spinning to keep the paper from my view. I huffed folding my arms in a fake strop. He simply smiled at me reassuringly, his deep brown eyes holding my gaze. "I promise, it will be worth the secrets." He spoke so softly, if I wasn't listening properly I wouldn't have heard him. My heart fluttered in my chest - What are you doing to me today Daichi? 

He smiled widely as he put the paper away, "Yamaguchi helped me search up cafe's and places to eat... want to go get some breakfast or brunch?" He asked. Yamaguchi helped him search up places to eat, it seems like the whole team really pulled through trying to help him plan this. The thought of everyone helping him, or the thought of Daichi getting flustered caused me to blush crimson. How much effort had gone into planning this day? "Tsuki ripped into me when I said I'd probably just go to McDonalds." He chuckled before walking alongside me. 

We walked in comfortable silence, Daichi checking his piece of paper as if looking at directions or street names that had been jotted down, after a five minute walk in comfortable silence we turned the corner to find a small cafe. On the outside it didn't look like much. "Here... Apparently they do some of the best sweets here! It was on one of those hidden gem websites." He smiled proud of himself, I chuckled to myself. 

"Is it not a little early for sweets?" I asked knowing my mum-friend default was coming out. 

He feigned being offended, "Obviously not, I live with four younger siblings - if you think 10am is too early for sweets then we are going to have an issue." He had his usual tone back, making him appear like a different person from the panicked Daichi in the park. It was nice to see him acting his normal self around me, I missed it. As we went inside and found a table I quickly pulled out my phone to see if I had any messages from my family. I know when I said I was spending the full day with Daichi they were worried for a plethora of reasons:

1) My unstable mental health

2) The fact me and Daichi argued and I would be potentially trapped with him for the day

3) The worry about me being out too long in my binder or if anything happened how far away they'd be

I smiled seeing that no one seemed to be worrying too much as I checked my messages from Rei.

Dipshit : Hey, is everything ok?

Dipshit : I know I said it jokingly before but if he hurts you I'll break his legs

Dipshit : Just sayin

I laughed at the messages causing Daichi to look up at me from where he was sat hiding behind the menu. "Sorry, Rei just sent me a text. He says if you upset me he will break your knees..." I laughed harder to myself, "Sorry just picturing Rei chasing you around and it made me laugh." I wiped tears of laughter out of the corners of my eye as I noticed Daichi smiling looking over at me.

"Well I don't plan on upsetting you, today is all about you and me grovelling as an apology." He said it in a joking tone, but there was hurt behind it. He's really apologetic. It almost makes me feel bad for being mean back... He was back to looking at the menu - though he wasn't reading anything he appeared to be in deep thought. I clicked my fingers near his ear which brought him back to planet earth. "Sorry, just thinking." He apologised quickly before the waiter came over to take our orders. 

"Erm... I will have a black coffee and some toast please." He ordered, he drags me to a little secret café, in the middle of Tokyo, which apparently has some of the best sweets ever - and man just orders coffee and toast. I stared at him confused, before telling the waitress my order. A salted caramel latte with squirty cream, their sweet tooth breakfast and some mochi. I mean Daichi was the one who told me it wasn't too early for sweets and I do enjoy a good sweet treat. 

As the waitress departed we were put back into the silence, sighing I needed to know so I looked up at him ready to ask my question. "Daichi be honest, did you put those pictures around?" I felt myself self consciously folding my arms over my chest to hide anything that may not sit perfectly flat. Daichi looked up, the hurt returned to his face as he put the menu back in the centre of the table.

"Of course not Suga... I would never do that to you." His eyes fell onto the tabletop. "I mean I had suspicions and I spent a full night googling, my search history looked pretty fucked honestly." He let out a nervous laugh before continuing. "But the fact was, you hadn't told me explicitly so I wasn't going to mention anything because it was clearly something important to you. That and it isn't my business whether you are male, female, non-binary, genderfluid - that's your identity and I don't know who you were before but I do know..." He paused, he was tracing a triangle on his hand again as he gulped before letting out a sigh. "I know that you're my Koshi Sugawara and that's enough for me." He smiled awkwardly up at me after his 'confession'. I sat there staring at him.

"I'm yours?" I asked, out of the entire mini speech, that was the bit that stuck out. My ears perked up at it, my cheeks flushed a bit. His? He looked away quickly blushing himself, I could see his brain searching for anything to cover it up - as if he wanted to erase it from recent memory.

He cleared his throat in an attempt to calm himself, "Well... yeh... ya know... erm." Words seemed to have lost him and I just smiled at him. I'd never seen this awkward side to him before - it was adorable. 

"Hey stop acting weird, this is out of character." I laughed trying to lighten the mood. "You sure you're not a clone? My Daichi has never acted like this before." My Daichi and his Koshi.

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