Chapter 10

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CW/TW - Contains slurs, hate speech and rumours. Please tread with caution.

Daichi POV :

Wondering to class after the lunch bell chimed was a real drag. My lack of sleep coupled with the mind boggling dream had me going stir crazy. People were mumbling and chuntering as always in corridors, the sound of girls laughing, whispers and voices churning together to create this mesh of sound. None of it distinguishable. I let my thoughts wander - my feet already walking autopilot to the room. I wonder who Suga's crush is, maybe someone on the team? Perhaps Tanaka.... or Ennoshita. Maybe it is someone on another sports team if they are athletic... I began trying to play detective, attempting to piece together a puzzle of Suga's love-life the current puzzle piece required, the person in question. I chuckled at the thought that Asahi had managed to worm his way out of spilling his own love life interests once again, I never thought Suga would be beaten when it comes to prying out gossip. They could get blood from a rock if they really tried, through blackmail, mental tabs and the memory to recall something you said one year ago at exactly 2pm that one time - he could ensnare you within seconds for things like that. The mild evil side he held, only used to acquire further leverage in the name of 'good memories'. Sounded more like being nosey to me and too polite to admit it but I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on that one. 

Attempting to wake my brain up for class, the murmurs amongst people seemed urgent today, as if something was spreading like wildfire among my peers and I was out the loop. As if the universe had sensed my need for inclusion someone leaned over to ask me something, "You're friends with erm... Suga right?" He asked, bit of an odd question but I nodded hoping he would spill the details on this mystery that is floating around. "Is it true they're, ya know? A lass?" 

Taken aback at first I wasn't sure how to respond, but this wasn't someone's curiosity - looking back over the guy I could see there was a hint of malice and excitement behind his eyes. So the rumour mill has started early this year? I smiled back at him, "Nah come on, don't be daft - Suga's as male as you and me. I've changed around him and there's nothing out the ordinary." I smiled back. Should I be covering up a secret I aren't even aware about? But, if it is true Suga shouldn't be drop kicked out the closet and forced to tell the world - that is his business and his alone. I'll protect him until he is ready. 1st day back and already it's going to shit.

The teacher arrived shortly after, allowing me to feel myself breathe - no one can chat shit while we are in a lesson and as for classroom dodging I will just quell any unpleasantness where I can. Yeh - Suga is a big part of the team's morale - if they struggle the team struggles and this year we're going to nationals. Lessons seemed to tick by, my once sleep deprived state now traded with a hypervigilance and a need to protect my best friend. 

The bell. Time to see how far the rumour mill has been in churning things out. Grabbing my things I darted towards Suga's locker, he never seemed to really use it which was a relief as when I arrived post it notes of questions and accusations covered it. Quickly I ripped off the colourful pieces of paper that were peppered with colourful language. After successfully clearing his locker I began walking to the clubroom, using these notes to piece together what people were saying.

'Is it true?', 'Tranny', 'Gay boy', 'Wrong uniform fag'. Jesus it's the first fucking day give a man a break! How can people think so disgustingly and why does it even matter? I tore up the notes and dropped them angrily into a nearby bin, feeling my blood boil at the sheer disgust towards fellow students. Walking towards the clubroom I could see Suga walking towards the gym already changed as usual, if he knew something he wasn't showing it and honestly, I want to keep him as blissfully unaware of the spiralling crows. Stay that happy Suga, I got your back.

I raced to get changed before going down to the gym to see Noya, Tanaka and Suga all waiting for me. "Late again Cap?" Tanaka mused raising his eyebrows. 

"Shut up Tanaka." There were two new guys in the gym which caught my attention but their attitudes were anything but friendly towards each other. "How long they been like that?" I asked gesturing to the argument and squabbling. 

"Since I got here..." Suga added, "I tried being civil but they're in their own world." Suga's face suddenly turned to one of pure delight, "Would you describe them as rivals?" He mused and my mind flashed back to the bets made at lunch. Shit Suga made a bet that they would be rivals... Crap! Why couldn't they get along?  I sighed as a beaming Suga stood waiting for us to bow to his perfect victory. 

"Well, I'll get you meat buns on the way home." I churned out to my newly crowned gossip king. 

He chuckled, "He he, yes... yes you will." Perfect Suga smile. I mentally took a screenshot of this moment savouring the way he had a little evil glow in his eyes and a wide grin, the expression causing little creases to form near his eyes, his shoulders juddering with each deep chuckle. 

I won't let anyone get to you Koshi - I'll protect you.

Practice didn't go as smooth as I wanted, words were said, the vice principal came by and a foreign toupee ended up landing on my head. Who was to blame? Well of course it was the first years. After losing my mind a bit, the lack of sleep, fear for Koshi and then the final straw being the toupee my mood wasn't the best. After the first years were shoved outdoors hearing my threats Koshi closed the door keeping them out and trapping us and the second years in the gym. "Hey chill out Daich, we can do some drills and leave them trapped out there to dwell."

"Yeh don't worry bout it, their awesome upper-class-man will keep them inline." Tanaka was beaming as if his job had something of great importance. 

Just as things were beginning to calm down, Nishinoya stood up and began to leave the gym, "So I guess Asahi really is a coward. I'm going guys." He grumbled before walking out before anyone could say anything to stop him. I felt my palms meet my face in exasperation. This was no the first day I wanted - but it was the hand I had been dealt. 

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