Chapter 2

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Daichi's POV:

Saturday, the day the gang gets together no third years to bother us and no first years to wind us up. Outside of practice we were the OG trio. Me, Suga and Asahi - from the first day we stepped into the club room together we were close.

The summer holiday was coming to a close and that meant we would soon be back to the usual routine - I appreciate my routine. Since arriving at my place we had settled on watching movies and relaxing, nothing out of the ordinary for a Typical Friday night. Take-out, snacks and some sort of background noise. This week's choice was down to Asahi - who, indecisive as always, couldn't think of a film series to even suggest nevermind settle on one for everyone to watch. Which meant as usual the decision fell down to me and Suga.

"Asahi you need to work on making decisions! It's a film." Suga was chuckling, winding him up, I could see the maternal instinct kicking in as he was ready to both lecture and protect his "little" Asahi.

Feeling under the spotlight Asahi rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "S-Sorry I'm just not good at choosing..." His eye-closed smile of innocence certainly wasn't pulling the charms on Suga who was glaring. "Suga you know I never end up picking a film." His hands raised in a surrender motion as if preparing his glass heart for Sugamamas worst.

The scowl and twitching lip ceased before Suga launched himself on Asahi. "Aww you're just a big baby you little negative goatee!" The sudden affection caused an intense flush on Asahi's cheeks. Seeing the scene wasn't about to end in Asahi's funeral I returned to choosing a film or films to watch.

"Sports... action... comedy... romance?" I mumbled sifting through the films. "Family?" You'd think I was making a life threatening decision as I combed over the DVD covers and racked my brain for different genres. Suga prefers a romance movie and something sappy... Asahi likes the family friendly genre and as long as there's no jumpscares he's good. I sighed heavily. "Family films it is, what you want?" I shot the question to the floor, hoping since I'd narrowed the options it would be easier for them to finally choose.

We started the marathon essentially combing through the netflix family selection and eventually just letting the auto play take the wheel. Our conversation ended up overtaking the noise of the TV and our attention slowly began to invest itself within the conversation as it tangented between subjects.

"Asahiiiiiiiii." Suga's sing-song voice seemed to come out of nowhere.

"Oh no, I don't l-like that tone Suga." Asahi scooted away from Suga looking like he wanted to simply melt into the couch and hide among the cushions. "I don't like that evil smirk either... Suga?" Asahi was beginning to pull himself into a submissive position of surrender under Suga's cunning gaze.

A wicked smirk followed by the wiggle of his eyebrows was the build up to what we were all waiting for. "SOooooooOoooo... you and the little libero, spill!" He gushed looking at Asahi with the same sparkle in his eye that a teenage girl sat around a game of spin the bottle would have. All the while our Ace began to sink further into the sofa.

Feeling the need to intervene - despite my interest now being peaked - I chipped in. "Suga, if you want to start digging up crushes at least spill your own." I folded my arms and Asahi even sat up straighter as we squashed Suga between our sights. "Any girls you got your eye on?" I continued making the previously cocky Suga now also melt beneath everyone's gaze.

"Well... no." Was the short answer that satisfied no-one.

"I'm not really into girls." The tiny whisper fell into the room. Everyone silent apart from the TV. Seconds dragged by as everyone seemed to be processing what was just said. "But it's no big deal, just women aren't my type: sweaty boobs, weird tastes, they're cute but I guess I just don't swing that way." The humour was back to his voice. He shook that off quick. "I mean I guess we need one signature gay so I'll take one for the team." He joked as if being the mum-friend wasn't enough for him.

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