Team Prime (Prologue)

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A/N: Takes place before "Darkness Rising"

Dodger's Narration: Our War.  Their World.  For millennia, we Autobots have been fighting to defend the freedoms of all sentient beings from the tyrannical ambitions of the Decepticons.  And now, me and my fellow Autobots find ourselves on yet another planet.  Its name... is Earth.  At first glance, Team Prime, this small band of Autobots, including me, may not seem like much, but appearances are deceptive.  First, there's Bulkhead.  He's from a unit known as the Wreckers.  They can make almost any Con run for the hills, but he's also great to be around.  A great warrior and an even greater friend, Bulkhead's got your back.  Ratchet, our medic, is not exactly the kind of bot you want to annoy, but he is also one of Cybertron's greatest minds.  He may be a grumpy old bot, but under all that, he'll help no matter what.  As for the femme, thats Arcee, our chief warrior.  She may be small, but she hits big.  That mech with the horns?  That would be Cliffjumper.  Quite the chatterbox ain't he.  Just don't mess with him, or you'll get those horns.  And then, there's Bumblebee.  Bee is a young scout with the potential of a warrior.  Under that playful exterior, Bee is one bot whose spark says bravery, loyalty and determination.  I'm an Autobot Ranger.  I'm what the humans call; "a Cowboy."  I hunt down fugitives and bring them to justice.  And finally, there's our leader, Optimus Prime.  Optimus isn't much of a social bot, but there is no other bot with as pure a spark as he.  Together, we set up ourselves on this planet, and defend it and its inhabitants from the Decepticons and its warmongering despotic leader; Megatron.  As for me, little did I imagine what our adventures on this planet would lead me to.  But they would change my life forever.  My name is Dodger.  And this.... is my story.

(Somewhere in the desert)

The tranquility of the desert was suddenly interrupted by a blue/green portal appearing out of nowhere, and out of it came two giant robots, a red mech with horns, the other a blue and pink femme.  They landed on their backs as the portal closed.  They're not alone...

-Autobot Missile Silo-

In a converted missile silo, 5 other giant robots, are monitoring for energy signals when their scanners go off.  One of them, a white and orange medic named Ratchet, came over to see what all the commotion is.

Ratchet: Optimus, I'm picking up two Autobot life signals.

Hearing his name, a very tall red and blue mech came over to his fellow Autobot.

Optimus: Where are they located Ratchet?

Racthet: Not far from the Grand Canyon.

The other 3 bots soon walk over.  Bulkhead, the big, green and bulky Autobot Wrecker.  Bumblebee, the young, yellow and black Autobot scout.  And Dodger, the tall, black and blue Autobot Ranger.  They gathered as their leader, Optimus Prime, gave them a course of action. 

Optimus: We must establish contact, there may be Autobots in need. (turns towards the others) Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Dodger, prepare to roll out!

Ratchet soon activates the groundbridge and goes to prepare the med bay while Optimus, Bulkhead, Bumblebee and Dodger transform into their respective vehicle modes.  A red and blue Peterbilt semi-truck.  An army green Hummer H3 SUV.  A yellow and black Urbana 500 muscle car.  And a black and blue Ford VelociRaptor off-road pick-up truck.

Optimus: Autobots, Roll Out!

They then drive through the portal.

-In the desert-

 The mech and femme continued through the desert trying to look for other Autobots, all the while the mech proved to quite a chatterbox, much to the femme's annoyed amusement.

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