Our Obvious Differences/ Bret

Start from the beginning

I throw on a light jacket before walking out of the mobile home and towards the set.

We're outside today. Taylor was already there. Of course. She's always on time. She's such a goody two shoes. Maybe that's good though because messing around with her is so much fun.

Taylor always likes things orderly. I bet she's OCD. Well, when I come around, her nice organized world comes crashing down. It's like I'm Ralph from that one movie Wreck-it Ralph. Unlike Ralph though, I love what I do. Wrecking with Taylor's life is pretty amusing.

When I first met Taylor, I felt like I had a connection with her. She made me feel so free and I had stared, fantasizing about getting such a hot blonde like her. She's so gorgeous and every time I look I still get that feeling. Now since I know she's a pain in the ass and has very funny reactions, I channel that energy to make her angry. I have to say it's been working quite well.

Jogging over to the set, I notice Jenna isn't here today. She probably slept in late or something. Damn, I guess flirting with her isn't an option for right now. Jenna is hot, so I never pass up the opportunity to flirt with her, especially considering she doesn't mind to flirt back (unlike a certain someone I know with blonde hair and an uptight personality).

I finally make it over there. Nobody else is there except Taylor and the crew. Oh god. We're doing an 'alone scene'. I've been dreading this.

"Bret. You're late," Derek says in his scruffy voice.

I check my watch. "Only fifteen minutes."

"Fifteen minutes is a long time," Taylor states while squinting her eyes at me.

God she's such a beauty, but so annoying. I send a glare her way. "Sucks for you then. Not everything can go your way princess."

Taylor grits her teeth, but keeps her mouth shut. Wow that's all I have to do before she can't handle it anymore. Or maybe she's still fired up about yesterday. I shrug mentally and smirk.

"Okay kids," Derek starts. "Go get your make up and clothes done."

Taylor dashes ahead of me. I immediately run after her. She can't just leave me in the dust. We're going to the same trailer for goodness sake!

"Wait up!" I say right before catching up to her.

I grab hold of her wrist. Taylor instantly turns to me. My eyes are widened. Did she just feel that shock too? My hand is still wrapped around her wrist. I can feel something pulsing. This is new.

I can't think of anything to say. This dazed feeling washes over me, making me feel as light as a feather. Taylor bites on her bottom lip. She actually pulls it off. I didn't know she could make that look so sexy. I'm now aware we're closer. I just want to sweep my hand through her luscious blonde hair, but I refrain myself. Taylor isn't my type. This isn't right. I need these thoughts out of my head.

Before I can move, Taylor yanks her wrist from my hand, cutting off our connection. "Stop playing with me you jerk!" She yells before walking away.

I follow her, only because we both have to go to the same trailer. The clothes and make up are in trailer 2B. All the clothes for this play are stored there.

Taylor is already searching for her clothes. I clear my throat to get her attention. "What scene are we in?"

Taylor scowls before answering, "We're doing the scene at Emily's house."

My eyes almost bug out. Emily's house?! Could this day get any worse?! I nod my head slowly and look for the right outfit in my section. Everything is numbered and tagged so us actors don't have a hard time finding stuff.

I spot my outfit and head to the changing room. The door's locked. I sigh. I never even noticed that Taylor had left. I take off my shirt while I'm waiting. This way it'll go faster right? After waiting about a minute, Taylor comes out. But of course she doesn't notice I'm there right away so she bumps right into me. I feel that light headed sensation again. Her hand is on my chest. She looks up at me with wide eyes.

Her eyes are so breath taking. They're this vibrant blue. I thought blue was for water. Her blue eyes are nothing like water. There's feisty written all over them. I find myself gazing at her longingly. Her porcelain skin looks great against my slightly tanned skin.

I shake the thoughts from my head. She isn't my type. Repeat it. She isn't my type. She isn't my type. She isn't my type.

"Having fun aren't you?" I ask deviously, pointing to her hand on my chest with my eyes. She hasn't taken it off yet.

That brings her out of it though. She glares, making me shiver. I can feel her body heat getting closer to me. She gets on her tippy toes. My heart is thumping faster. What is she doing? She's supposed to get off, not creep closer.

She leans to my ear. "You would think that, wouldn't you?" And then something happens. Something I don't really like talking about. She knees me. In the balls. Hard. Then she walks away.

Taylor. What a bitch.

So the chapters switch up every time. First Taylor, then Bret, then Taylor again.

I do not own this YouTube video. To be honest I don't even have a YouTube account. I'm just using this video for the song.

Okay well I hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Comment and vote?? Comment first! :D You know feedback is very important to an author!

Thanks for reading!


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