Chapter 53 - Midnight Train

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And I'll be with him (I know you will)
On that midnight train to Georgia(Leaving on a midnight train to Georgia)
I'd rather live in his world (live in his world)
Than live without him in mine (world, world)

3rd Person POV.

"Mum.. when do you know it's time to have sex?" Malia asks Evelyn.

".... That's a full on question." Evelyn replies.

"Things with Ryan and I have been... pretty stagnant. He's great, he's perfect on paper, but ... I just think there's gotta be more to it then that. What if sex will make us less stagnant?"

"Well, sweetie. Sometimes it's just a feeling. You're never going to truly be ready for.. it. But, you will just know. It will just feel right." she says, caressing her hair. 

"Anyways, I'm going to go to the shops, I'll be right back." Evelyn announces to the house.

"Can you bring me back something nice?" Malia asks.

"Of course, my beautiful girl." Evelyn says, kissing her forehead.


"Pinkie promise." Evelyn says, locking pinkies with her before leaving.

"I like that you do pinkie promises." Sirius smiles, walking in with a newspaper and coffee.

"I do them all the time." Malia smiles back.

"My friends and I did that." Sirius smiles. "James, Lily, Remus and .... Peter."

"You have friends?" Lucas smirks, walking down the stairs. Lucas and Sirius were finally talking, but they were still awkward.

"How can you forgive I'm so easily?" Lucas asks Malia.

"Well, I've had people do worse." Malia adds. "But, in all seriousness. I could see so much of myself in him. And I had someone who didn't know I existed, who had just found out I existed and wanted to be in my life."

"I know it sounds like I'm taking a jab at you and Mum, but you guys weren't there for me. And at least I had someone who was trying. And I feel like you are forgetting that. He's trying." Malia adds.

"That's a good point." Lucas nods.

The rest of the holidays were peaceful. The Pierce family was finally an actual family. Dad, Mum, and siblings with their dog and butler who was more like a very handy uncle. Malia and Lucas did their chores, Evelyn went to work and Sirius helped out around the house as well.

It was finally the twin's birthday and they woke up getting ready for breakfast. "Happy 11th of August sis." Lucas smiles.

"Happy 11th of August." Malia smiles back. Once they finish their breakfast, Evelyn announces, "I got you a birthday present. Come here Lucas. Close your eyes."

Lucas walks outside closing his eyes. "Here." Malia says, pushing him into the door and laughing.

"Malia! Enough." Evelyn scolds. Lucas walks outside and stands there. "Okay, open your eyes." Evelyn smiles.

"Is it behind the car?" Lucas asks. Just seeing Evelyn's red car. 

"Actually." Evelyn says, holding a key up.

"No way, no way!" Lucas smiles, grabbing the keys and jumping into the driver's seat.

"You have to drive your sister anywhere she asks." Evelyn adds.

"Sorry, what?" Lucas jokes pretending not to hear her pointing to his ear.

"Malia, I got something for you too." Evelyn says.

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