missing you, wish I was kissing you - m x e 🥺

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Notes still won't let me copy and paste into wattpad so I came up with a short chapter to make up for the time being.
I'm very sorry about this and will definitely publish another next Saturday (may 15th)
Hope you enjoy!!

I was sad because Mully was stuck in Australia and I was stuck in america due to the fuckin pandemic, so decided to call Mully.
M: hey Eddie
E: hi
M: what's up baby?
E: I miss you.
M: awh baby.
Mully giggled. Eddie whined
E: it's not funnyy
M: okay, okay
E: so when can you come over.
M: I don't think I'm allowed for a couple months.
I internally screamed, choking back a sob.
E: oh.
M: Eddie, please. I miss you so much that it hurts. I wish I could just kiss your cute face over and over and over again, until my lips are dry.
I smiled as a couple tears ran down my face.
E: really?
M: really. I just want to kiss you instead of miss you.
E: see you, Mr. Smooth Talker
Mully laughed.
M: I'm glad that cheered you up a bit.
E: yeah it did.
M: I'm going to go now baby, it's like 11pm and I'm pretty tired.
E: okay.
M: I love you
E: I love you more.
M: no way Jose.
E: eyy cabron, don't think I won't come over and kick your ass for disrespecting my uncle Jose!
M: alright baby, good night.
E: good night.
He hung up. I put my phone down and decided to go to bed.

Umm so idk what the time difference is between eddie and Mully so sorry if it's completely wrong.
Leave any suggestions.
Ily all, stay safe <3

Word count: 296

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