Fluff ;; The Night Before

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sCreEEeeEcH. The loudest, most concerning, high pitched voice echoed throughout Liyue. "CHONGYUN GET DOWN FROM THAT TABLE THIS INSTANT." Ningguang yelled at the male, who clearly had too much jueyun pepper. Now, I wonder who would put such a thing in Chongyun's food? "NEVERRRR-" Chongyun stood on top of the table, shaking his head violently, up and down, joined by Xinyan, who was up there voluntarily. The two screamed and giggled, watched by the large crowd of their friends.

Xingqiu stood there laughing, Lumine taking out a strange, thin, rectangular device, with the feature of a Kamera on it. She recorded the two, giggling uncontrollably. Xiangling brought over more food and drinks to witness the chaos that happened in the room.

Chongyun stepped down from the table, grabbing Xingqiu by the shoulders and kissing him sloppily, before pulling back and giggling. everyone stood in silence, well, not complete silence, Xinyan continued to yell. Xingqiu stood in shock, as Chongyun went back and climbed on the table. "Wh-what the hell?" Xingqiu managed to stutter out, confused on what had just happened. he covered his face with his book, blush flushing his cheeks.

Lumine nudged Xingqiu in the side, wiggling her eyebrows. Right, forgot to mention the amount of alcohol that Beidou had brought over. everyone drank, except xingqiu. He refused to, stating that he "might say more than intended." whAtEVer thAt mIgHt Be.

An hour later, Chongyun and Xinyan continued to yell, music blasting from Xinyan's instrument. Though now, they were joined by Aether. Lumine laughed as his brother performed stupid things such as juggling paper cups, dropping them all in attempt. It was just pure chaos.

As the night went on, Chongyun had finally gotten off the table, after continuously being scolded by Ningguang. Xingqiu was forced into having alcohol by Xiangling. Xingqiu had said he'd only have a few glasses of alcohol, yeah, it was a lot more than a few. Chongyun approached Xingqiu, wobbly and exhausted. Xingqiu began to lose his composure, which never happened. The two collapsed onto eachother, holding themselves up in eachothers arms. They stood there for a few seconds, before beginning to dance like idiots. Lumine, one of the more sober ones recorded them, excited for the teasing she could do the next day.

The following day everyone felt disgusting, everyone waking up in the oddest places. Beidou and Ningguang were found on the couch, cuddling. Xiangling was found on the floor, completely passed out. Xingqiu and Chongyun somehow ended up in a bed under properly spread out blankets. Aether and Lumine were piled on top of eachother like animals. Finally, Xinyan was found on the table, cuddling her beloved instrument. There was definitely a lot that happened for sure.

Xingqiu was the first to be up, getting out of bed and rubbing his eyes. As he stood up and scratched his head, he turned to the bed to neatly make it and saw a small bit of icy blue hair popping out from under the covers. He pulled the covers off, blushing at the sight of Chongyun sleeping peacefully. After he calmed his rapid heart beats, he pulled the covers back over chongyun, planting a quick kiss on the top of his head and rushing out.

Everyone was all over the place, xingqiu sighed, laughing quietly. He woke up Xinyan first, getting her off the uncomfortable table. "Get up let's go, wake up everyone else." He told her, he wasn't one to yell and felt bad if he startled everyone awake. Xinyan though? Easy. She yelled at them all, forcing them all up. Luckily for chongyun he was in a seperate room, in bed cuddling a pillow.

Xingqiu asked xiangling for help with cooking. Xiangling hadn't drank too much and though she wasn't feeling too well, she was definitely doing better than the others. Of course xingqiu felt disgusting as well, but he powered through it. A little over half an hour later breakfast was laid out on the table, Everyone staggering over to the table, holding their heads in their hands. Ouch.

Xingqiu went to get chongyun as everyone sat down. He came into the room as Chongyun held the pillow close. man, he was adorable. "Chongyunnn~" Xingqiu poked the others cheek, admiring the little reactions that Chongyun showed. Chongyun eventually got up, his hair messy and a bit of drool running down the side of his lips. "Huh-" He was clueless, and that only made Xingqiu's heart squeeze tighter. "Let's eat now, come on." Xingqiu said softly, like he was talking to a child.

After they all ate the delicious food that Xiangling and Xingqiu had prepared everyone went to sit on the couch. They were watching some cute cat video's until the screen suddenly changed. Lumine casted a video from the previos night onto the screen. It showed Chongyun and Xingqiu dancing slowly together. And no, it did not look the best. The two blushed, covering their faces as everyone giggled. That's how they all spent the rest of their time together, watching video's and pictures taken the previous night.

honestly i'm really lazy and wrote this after watching some genshin mmds sjhfhshd- gOod inSpiRatiOn yK?
also prob gonna change the title eventually i just didn't wanna put the thOugHt into it cause it's the weekend and who wants to think tbh
this is more of a- funny chapter ig you could say?

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