Fluff ;; Haunted House

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An au where Chongyun is terrified of ghosts :)

"Xing!!" He latched onto the other boys arm, holding on for dear life as something down the hallway approached them. "Yun, calm down, it's a haunted house they're supposed to scare us." Xingqiu sighed and attempted to calm down the shaky light blue haired boy.

The figure continued to stagger towards the two, scaring the crap out of Chongyun. "Nope, nope, nope, and nope." Chongyun began to turn around and walk away, dragging Xingqiu along with him. The staggering thing had picked up its pace, it seemed to be charging straight for them now. This of course, caused Chongyun to be even more scared.

"Hell no!" He screeched. This was incredibly amusing for Xingqiu, he'd even call it cute. The two of them had been friends for a few years, and just now had he found out of Chongyun's huge fear of ghosts.

Chongyun began sprinting, pulling the navy blue haired male along with him. He made a sharp turn, dragging Xingqiu into the nearest door and slamming it shut. And of course, this was the janitors closet. Panting, Chongyun let out a loud sigh of relief.

"Hahaha! Who knew you were so scared of ghosts Yun?" Xingqiu bursted out laughing. "H-Hey! Don't laugh at me!" Chongyun's face began to flush red of embarrassment. "Hahaha- Oh dear Yun, don't be so embarrassed, it's cute." Of course, this only made Chongyun blush more. The light blue haired male covered his face with his hands, averting his eyes from the ones that seemed to pierce through him.

Xingqiu giggled, before getting closer to Chongyun, trapping him against the shelving. "AJHDHSD-" Chongyun's face lit up, staring at Xingqiu. Xingqiu leaned in, placing his hand under his chin, softly brushing his lips across Chongyun's before kissing him. The two stayed that way for a while, enjoying the sweet warmth and comfort of eachother.

Xingqiu pulled away, "well wasn't that nice?" He managed to say before being pulled back into the gentle kiss.

"Boo!" Someone bursted through the door, they had been slowly sneaking up on the closet after Chongyun bolted away. "Ah‐" The so-called-ghost was speechless. Before him were the two of them kissing in a heated atmosphere.

Xingqiu noticed, pulling away. "Hahaha! I'm just calming down dear Chongyun of course." He explained to the actor, before leaving the haunted house with Chongyun in hand.

"Did you, mean that? Did you only do that to calm me down?" Chongyun asked, slight worry in his voice.

"Ah, of course not dear, I love you." Xingqiu bluntly replied, smiling sweetly at Chongyun before pulling him in for a quick peck on the cheek.

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