Fluff ;; Sick

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"Master Xingqiu! Your friends have come to visit." Xingqiu's butler spoke through the closed door. "Ah, I'll be right there." He wasn't sure why they had visited, they usually planned hangouts, why'd they just show up? Xingqiu had felt a bit sick, but he wouldn't force his friends to leave after coming all this way. Perhaps he had gotten sick because of his absurd sleeping schedule. He had been up almost all night reading some, questionable books.

He got up, staggering a bit, light headed. Xingqiu took a few deep breaths and changed into presentable clothing. He wore a white top, one he usually wore, though it was probably a different one, he had several of the same clothing. He didn't need to put his shorts on, he wore them to sleep.

Xingqiu slowly went down the large, elegant stairs, his hair still slightly messy. Unfortunately due to their surprise arrival, he didn't have much time to get ready. He made his way to the living room, Xiangling and Chongyun sitting on the couch, chatting away.

The two looked up, before them a clearly tired and sick Xingqiu. "Are you alright Xing?" Chongyun asked immediately, worried, followed by Xiangling who asked the same. "Yes yes I'm alright." He swatted his hand, nodding continously. Xingqiu sat down, him getting dizzy from the sudden movement.

"Clearly not, back upstairs you go." Xiangling said like a scolding mother, pointing out a finger. "I'm- I'm fine." Xingqiu protested, refusing to get up. When really he just didn't want to get up in fear of collapsing right there. Chongyun sighed, his face lightly brushed with a pink color before standing up and approaching Xingqiu. "Ah Yu-" He was cut off, being picked up bridal style upstairs. Xiangling silently squealed, taking pictures of the two with her Kamera. 

The two of them made their way upstairs while Xiangling went to go and cook some soup for Xingqiu. Though Xingqiu had chefs, they all respected Xiangling and she always got to cook whenever she was there.

Chongyun softly laid Xingqiu down, crouching beside the bed, looking at him. "Stupid Xing, forcing yourself to get up in the first place." He softly said. "Ah well, I didn't want to leave you guys there." Xingqiu said, though his voice seemed to be dying down a bit.

Chongyun took his temperature, being careful not to touch his burning skin because- y'know. "You have a high fever Xing!!" Chongyun softly yelled, feeling bad for his friend. The light blue haired male knew a fever wasn't too bad, but he didn't want to see Xingqiu suffer.

Chongyun got up to get a wet cloth, ringing it out a bit before softly placing it on the others forehead.

"Yunnn, gimme kisses to make it feel better." Xingqiu whined, trying to pull Chongyun towards him.

"Ah- X-Xing, no. I can't touch you remember?"

"It's fine, pleaseee?"

This was weird, really weird. Xingqiu was usually mature and composed, but now he was vulnerable. Chongyun swiftly kissed the others cheek, a few moments of kissing should have been fine. Though they were just friends, why was he so comfortable with these small things of affection?

Xingqiu whined again, practically begging for more kisses, on the lips. Chongyun blushed more, leaning in to kiss him once more, friends do this, don't they?

Xiangling opened the door, Chongyun leaning over the other. "What the- OH MY GOD" She instantly snapped pictures. Chongyun instantly moved away, a bright red color smothering his face.

"X-Xiangling, knock next time.." Chongyun said, flustered.

"And miss all the good stuff? No way." She giggled, placing down the soup on the bedside table.

Xiangling scurried away, stating that she had things to do. Things as in showing their whole friend group the pictures.

Chongyun sighed before looking over at Xingqiu, his eyes closed, sleeping peacefully. His navy blue hair in his face, holding onto Chongyun's arm.

Chongyun approached the other, gently moving away his beautiful hair with his hand. He blushed, kissing the other gently on the lips. "I think- I think I might like you, Xingqiu." He muttered out, knowing Xingqiu was asleep. He smiled kindly at the other, sitting on the side of the bed.

"Hm, yeah I like you too, Yun." Xingqiu said, turning his head to look at the other, a light pink dusting his cheeks.

"Y-You were awake?" Chongyun stuttered out his words, moving backwards. His face was even redder, if that was even possible at this point.

"Yeah." Xingqiu said calmly, smiling.

"And you like me, back?" He questioned, not believing anything that just happened.

"Yes Yun, I like you too."


The two giggled, Chongyun's embarrassment dying down, before leaning in to kiss Xingqiu again. Chongyun stayed with the other until he felt better.


The next morning Xingqiu was all good, getting up and stretching. He glanced over at Chongyun who was hugging him all night. He shook him gently, attempting to wake him up. "Xing?" Chongyun said, his voice breaking. "Oh don't tell me you're sick dear-" Xingqiu asked, but really he didn't mind if he had to take care of the other.

"Xing give me a kiss this time." Chongyun giggled, only to get rejected. "Nope! I'm not getting sick again." Xingqiu chuckled, Chongyun whining. Eventually Xingqiu gave in and gave the other a kiss anyway.

Extra 2:

Days later the two finally came back to school, they had exchanged the sickness several times until Xingqiu finally said no to physical contact until Chongyun got better. 

They walked up to their friend group, hand in hand. "So uh, what's this?" Lumine asked, holding back her laughter, pointing at their hands intertwined. "Yeah and what's this?" Bennett asked the two, practically shoving the photos of them in their faces.

Chongyun blushed, Xingqiu giggling. "Hm, well let's just say we're dating now yeah?" Xingqiu said, the others all congratulating them. Some saying "Finally." Xingqiu quickly pecked the other on the cheek, flustering him further, everyone watching, Xiangling literally squealing. They all spoke about it until the teacher scolded them for blocking the hallway for so long and they had to run off to class.

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