Boyfriend Scenarios ;; Tysm for 5k!

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Comforting you:

- He would simply hold you close and run his hands through your hair, adding in soft words of reassurance and compliments. He'd get you your favorite drink and food, and give you time to yourself if you needed. Xingqiu would even put his book down for you. <3

- He'd be a bit awkward when comforting you. At first he wouldn't know where to put his hands, and would probably awkwardly pat your head and say things such as; "It's alright!" or "I'm here." But overtime he picks up a few ways to comfort you. He's trying okay?

Affection (Physical, verbal, ect.):

- He's a mix of both, though leaning more toward verbal affection. He's really good with his words and always finds the best ways to fluster you and stir up your stomach. Any insecurities you have he makes sure to compliment the most, he just wants you to see yourself the way he does, perfect and absolutely stunning.

- Physical affection!! It takes him a while to gather the courage, but he comes and randomly pecks your cheek occasionally. If you're sitting on the couch or laying in bed he'll instantly come and cuddle with you. Every now and then he'll try to tell you "I love you" but it often ends up coming out as mumbles and he flusters himself.

Flirting/Impressing their s/o:

- He'd act all mature and composed. He would fluster you by compliments or comments on how you act. Definitely teasing as well, lots of that with him. He'll tease you on small mistakes you make, always making sure to be aware of your feelings though.

- This boy doesn't even try but somehow always flusters you. He'll be laughing and glance over at you, somehow looking hella attractive. Or small acts of kindness, like opening the door for you or protecting you. And he does that thing where he brushes your hair away from your eyes, like sir- that is so cute.


- He'd subtlety hint it, after a while of preparation he'd call you over and confess straight to your face. Xingqiu would tell you when he realized his feelings for you and what he likes about you. He thinks of you all the time and that's how he realized he had developed feelings for you. Either this, or a literal poem that he spent hours on. You better appreciate it. >:(

- Poor baby would be so scared. He'd have to be 99% sure that you would return the feelings before doing anything. Even then he'd still be doubtful, it's the possibility of being rejected by someone as wonderful as you that terrified him. He'd be the type to hand you a letter since he's not the best at sharing his feelings aloud. Of course the letter took him forever.


- He'd straight up claim you. You are literally his as soon as you accept. He makes it known, kissing you in front of everyone without hesitation. He's not afraid to make it known.

- He'd act like it didn't bother him, but he does get jealous. Really easily. He's a sensitive baby, he starts putting himself down and thinks they're better for you. He needs reassurance :( But after you assure him that you're his, he'll tell off the other person, and act all sweet while walking away holding your hand.

First kiss:

- He'll make sure you're comfortable first, and he'll kiss you softly and passionately. As soon as he feels the time is right, he'll lean towards you and kiss you. Or y'know, pin you down and kiss you softly. He's been reading too many books.

- There are many times where he'd want to kiss you, but would get shy and hold it back. After a while he does kiss you though, waiting for the most perfect moment possible. Afterwards he'd come and kiss you often though, showing lots of affection just for you.

Oml tysm for 5k!! I did not think we were gonna get this far- I'll keep updating more from now on!! :D

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