"Come on Shanelle he grabbed my hand"

"Thank you"

"Not a problem" he closed the door. "Now for you! This might sound weird but you no what im saying.. No feelings like that" he backed up "Your my sister"

"Just say it"

"Ok.. Your.. Ew ok your one if those.. Blah. You one of those"


"Ok! Your one of those 'attractive' girls that cant just walk outside like that"





"Wait wait wait. You no what i ment"

"I hope so"

"Attractiveness runs in our family. You just didnt get alot of it"

"Shut up"

"Im just kidding your sexy" 

"uh Thanks? I guess? What? Are you ok?"


"But you just told your brother he was sexy"

"he is sexy"


"You said that like 5 times"

"What do you mean when you call me sexy"

"Your sexy. Your really attractive but i dont have any feelings for you because your my brother. No one in my family is ugly" 

"Ok. You owe me cause my jaw is hurt"

"I'll get Bri to kiss-- Wait you broke up"

"Shut up.."

"Why'd you break up with her"

"She was--- SHANELLE PLEASE HELP ME GET MY BABY BACKK! 😫😫😩😫😫😩 i miss her so much!"

"Wow Jake calm down"

"I miss her ;((( please Shanelle! Talk to her!"

"Call her tonight and talk to her"

"She wont even answer me anymore"

"I'll call her"

"Thank you" 

I dialed her number...


"Hi, Talk to Jake"

"For what?"

"Just listen to what he has to say.."


"Actually call his phone"





"i love you" i hugged Shanelle

"That was my pay back for the fight"

"Thats good enough. I just want my baby back"

I ran up the stairs waiting for Briana..

i saw it ringing and got happy  ~(','~) (~',')~ "Hello" i said calmly



"Nothing. Shanelle said you wanted to talk"

You Want My W-What? |3rd series to 'My Friends BF is My F*ck Buddy'| (BOOK 3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora