29. I won't.

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The sweet and soft kiss slowly turned into something a little more hungry and passionate. Liam still sat on Theo lap, chest to chest with his legs spread around the chimeras waist.
Liam had one hand slip behind Theo's neck to get a better grip. Theo had his hands under Liam's ass, firmly gripping it.

Liam's breathing became heavier so he threw his head back to get more air and Theo jumped on this opportunity to suck on the spot he remembered made Liam weak, right between his collarbone and his neck. The beta let out a moan and grabbed Theo's neck for support.

Theo started to suck all over his neck and found another spot under Liam's ear that made him moan.

"Oh look at you being all hard for me." Theo said cockily. He did feel Liam's dick poking in his stomach and the whimpers Liam made after he completely ignored it.

His own dick was also painfully hard and the noises that came out of Liam's mouth did not help. But he just kept sucking on Liam's neck loving the sounds that Liam produced.

"Oh...my....GOD!!" Someone yelled at the door.

"Oh my god hey Stiles. How you doing?" Liam said trying to be casual as he removed himself from Theo.

"Aw that's cold." Theo whined. He couldn't care less about Stiles. Liam shot him a poisonous look.

"Stiles why are you here?" Liam stood with his arms crossed and stared at his pack mom.

"Okay give me a second to process... that..." Stiles pointed a finger at both of them and then Liam's neck. "Processed. I came here because I wanted to take Liam home. He has school on Monday."

"So? I could have gone on my own. That's over three days. Why are you really here Stiles?"

"Hihmhf." Stiles muttered looking down.

"Can't hear you. And I have wolfhearing." Theo sassed.

"I was worried and I was lonely and sad and since Theo has turned somewhat okay. Oh don't look at me like that Raeken you are still not amazing but I thought I might watch a movie with you guys. I just didn't expect... that." Stiles said eyeing Theo suspiciously.

"Oh uhm do you want some dry clothes?" Liam asked. Stiles had plunged all the way through bursting rain and was soaking wet.

"Would be nice yeah." Liam walked behind the bed and grabbed his bag to pull out a dry sweater and some pants. "Here. You can get changed in the bathroom." Liam pointed at the bathroom door.

"Thanks." Stiles walked out and shut the door.

Liam went over to a confused Theo. "What is he doing here?" Theo asked.

"He literally just said that he wanted to watch a movie because he was sad and lonely. So he came here."

"Is that how you people do things in this pack?" Liam nodded at Theo sceptical question. "Wow can't believe I actually wanted to join this."

"Very funny. But do you want to watch a movie with Stiles? We can just sent him away." Liam shrugged.

"No that's fine. As long as he doesn't expect to sleep in our bed with us."

"He might. It's stiles after all." Liam remarked. Theo laughed and pressed one last kiss on the betas lips.

"We'll talk about this in the morning." Theo said before sitting on the bed and logging in his laptop.
Stiles came out of the bathroom in clothes that were about three sides too small for him and Theo let out a short laugh that he covered up with a cough.

"So what movie did you want to watch Stilinski?" Theo asked Stiles.

"The lion king." Stiles declared. Liam's eyes went wide. "Uhm no." Liam said walking over and sitting on the bed resting against the headboard.

"Why not Simba?" Stiles asked. Theo snorted.

"I hate that movie."

"Well you are gonna watch it anyways." Liam shot stiles an angry glance.

"Aw that's not nice Stiski. I'll hug you little beta. It'll be fine." Theo comforted Liam opening his arms and making those grabby hands. Liam happily obliged and jumped into those big arms.

"Awww now I want to be hugged too." Stiles whined.

"Fine. Come fast because I'll give you five seconds." Theo opened one arm and Stiles drove into it. Liam had his head on Theo's shoulder and Theo had his hand in his hand twirling one single hair strand. Stiles laid on Theo's chest and Theo had one arm around stiles' shoulder.

Stiles quickly put on lion king and they started watching it peacefully.
Liam sought shelter in Theo's neck crook multiple times during the movie, something the chimera thought was very adorable.
During the ending a soft and steady breathing was noticed and Theo and Stiles establishes that their Simba has indeed fallen asleep.

"How's Derek?" Theo asked.

"Wha- How- how am i suppose to know how derek is? I haven't seen him." Stiles' heart rate went up way to high for a simple questionable that.

"What's going on Stiles? You sound either you're in love with him or he did something evil that you're afraid to tell me. Spill your guts Stiski."

"Nothing. I swear it's nothing. Okay there is something." After Theo's intense look that he didn't believe a word the human said.

"Please tell me you like him because he would shut up about you the whole time we were in Washington." Theo semi-accidentally spilled Dereks guts.

"You- he didn't- Yeah I like him. But it's no big deal. It's not like you and Liam appearently. When did that even happen?"

"It's a long story but I guess it started which the ghost riders? I realised Liam was my anchor and that freaked me out. Then he asked me to come back to town, I did, we had to leave really fast afterwards because of Talia then we slept together, I rejected him, he got kidnapped, I rescued him but you people forgot to tell him how exactly so that was a fun story, thank you stiski, he got mad at me, Derek and I returned to beacon hills after a few weeks of no contact, I agree to something dumb, we get locked up together here, we open up, I kiss him and now we're here. Any questions?"

"Nope. Nope we're totally clear. And what are your intentions with my son?"

"You realised that is a weird thing to ask when I am cuddling you both right?"

"Yes But I don't care. So what are your intentions with my dear son?" Liam snuggled closer to Theo and turned his head towards them but was still asleep.

"He told me he loved me and I didn't say it back because I couldn't yet so I promised him I would never ever leave him again. Is that enough for you?" Theo asked stiles while gripping Liam a little tighter.

"Yes I can live with that. As long as you promise to never hurt him intentionally to me." Stiles looked up to Theo. "Tell me that you'll never hurt him."

"I won't Stiski."

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