50. I promise.

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Liam had been home for the past couple days, without having any idea what Theo was doing or where he even was. It brought up a concerning amount of worry that consumed Liam, making it difficult to focus on school. Luckily for him summer was nearing and he was about to go to college. That too, was a big factor in all his worries. He already got accepted into a couple colleges he'd applied to but he wasn't sure which one he wanted to go to.

Liam couldn't decide, yet there laid a lot of pressure on his shoulders as he needed to prepare properly. Theo being gone didn't help him in any sort or way. Liam had gotten to the point of anger for his unaccessible boyfriend. He needed Theo and he wasn't there. The big bag of hay!

The week had continued on without Liam's permission and had arrived to Friday. A whole week without Theo wasn't something Liam enjoyed, but he remained a stubborn little shit and refused to call Theo. If he'd wished to come back, he would and until then Liam had more friends to hang out with.

But that didn't stop him from worrying about everything though. Mason and Corey had their whole future planned out together, and had already gone apartment hunting, till Liam's great jealousy. It seemed so simple for them, why was it never simple for him?

Scott had gone back to college and even Derek had moved to Washington, there was nothing keeping him here in beacon hills. Nolan had applied to the same colleges as Liam and so had Johanna and Marissa, the newbies. Liam found himself liking them very much. Johanna reminded him of Talia a lot and he had really liked her. Marissa seemed more like Hayden, and the way Hayden was when they'd dated.

Mason and Corey were gone, somewhere at a party or an apartment listing... Liam didn't know, he hadn't payed much attention when Mason told him. The last werewolf James was with Lydia and Malia so he was completely and utterly alone, and there was nothing he hated more on this planet than to be alone.

So when it was Friday, the night had fallen, and he was alone again he decided to go do something about it. Just because his boyfriend wasn't available doesn't mean other people aren't; Liam was officially done moping.

That is how Liam ended up watching the maze runner with Johanna and Marissa on a Friday evening.

"That Thomas dude kinda looks like stiles." Marissa pointed out, pulling Liam out of his maladaptive daydream. He refocused on the bright screen in front of him and let his pupils readjust. He nodded before completely freezing in the air.

Theo was there.

His scent of apple, cinnamon and metal filled Liam's nose making his head shift toward the door. How dare he? Just returning after a week of unannounced radio silence. Liam was for sure not going to let him in.

Luckily for him Theo had already made that decision for him, therefore he had no choice. To the trained ear alone a soft bang was heard as Theo jumped through the window in Liam's room. The door was already open so he gracefully walked out to the living room standing still in the doorway, smug smile burning on his face.

"Hai ladies." He casually said, waving his hand once. Liam, however, decided to not give him any attention as he believed he did not deserve it after a week of ghosting him. So even after Johanna and Marissa said their hello's, Liam's gaze stayed locked on the screen that was playing. He had missed the entire beginning but he was pretty sure it was about a gay romance between a hot blond dude and the dude that looked like stiles.

Theo was a bit confused at first as to why Liam was ignoring him but he put up his arrogance once more.

"So you ladies don't mind if I steal my boyfriend for a second there do you?" Theo gave them a such a blinding smile that was impossible to say no to. Liam rolled his eyes but unfortunately for him Marissa did not get the hint.

"Yeah no totally, we were just about to leave." A loud groan came from Liam's corner of the couch that he did not even try to hide.

"Care to join me on a lovely car ride this fine evening little beta?"

"No." Theo's smile faltered a bit as Liam still stubbornly refused to look at him.

"Pretty please..." As an result for the last attempt not worked he switched methods. This one was pleading and it definitely had an effect on Liam. That being a small twitch in the corners of his mouth, showing some of the resentment fading slowly.

"Pretty Pretty please..." Liam had given up not looking at him and turned his head, seeing Theo pout. His bottom lip was sticking out and he attempted on a puppy look which he did not quite achieve. Liam decided it was good enough nonetheless.

"Fine but only if you stop being such an ass."

"I can't promise anything but I'll try." Theo's smug smile had returned to his face as he turned on his heels and jumped out of the window again, leaving Liam alone with Johanna and Marissa. As a sign of his absolute uncomfortableness, he scratched his head mumbled something that not even a wolf could hear and followed in Theo's footsteps, jumping out of the window as well.

He fully intended to scold Theo for his neglecting behaviour the last week but the second he saw his boyfriend hanging on his truck he couldn't resist the urge to run up towards him and hold him tight. Theo luckily anticipated this move and had already removed himself from the truck, spreading his arms to the fullest, clamping them tightly together the second Liam hit his body with force.

Liam had wrapped his legs around Theo's upper body and clinged on as tight as he possibly could. Scared that if he ever were to let go, he would be alone again.

"You're a dick." He whispered in Theo's ear as he held on for dear life or so it seemed.

"Then let go of me." Theo opened his arms, letting go of the beta, who only held on tighter.

"No." Liam had buried his nose in Theo's neck, sniffing in his scent as if it were the last thing he would ever be doing.

Theo chuckled and just held Liam. He held him closer then he had ever held someone. He slowly slipped one hand underneath Liam's shirt.

"I'm sorry for leaving you, baby wolf, I just needed to do something. Alone. I'm sorry but I'm here now. I won't leave you ever again. I promise."

"You promise?" In the seconds that Theo was talking, Liam had removed his nose from Theo's neck to look directly into those eyes that always seemed to look into his soul. Liam leaned in a tiny bit and pressed his forehead against the forehead of Theo, remaining eye contact. Liam's bright blue eyes looked vulnerable, almost broken. They seemed hopeful but at the same time it was the very thing that would be the death of him.

"I promise."

A/N i originally intended to write this into one chapter but as you can see it did not work. I will write the last one soon. I promise. (Hehe). I was feeling quite literal today so I decided to use it to my advantage. This chapter is a bit different than others so let me know which writing style you prefer.

Thank you if you got to this point.

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