10. But i do care about you.

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Liam sat in the hallway of the unfamiliar hospital trying his hardest not to listen to the conversation between Theo and his sister, Talia. The tiniest bit he did pick up were moving and adorable. It was clear that Theo truly loves his sister.

Liam was happy for him, he really was, but he was also worried. What if when his sister was released out of the hospital they both left? It would be a very Theo thing to do and now there was nothing binding him to Beacon Hills. Liam had convinced himself that the only reason Theo had returned to Beacon Hills was because his conscious or unconscious mind was still searching for his sister. No other reason.

Theo walked into the hallway where Liam sat a couple minutes after. He had an extremely worried look on his face and looked troubled as if his mind was racing with possibilities, but no right answer. 

Theo sat down next to Liam and he could smell the fear and worry coming of off the chimera. But Liam had absolutely no clue how to deal with these emotions so they just sat in silence for about a half hour.

Or at least that was until Liam could no longer take the awkwardness and blurtedout:

"I think I need to apologise to Stiles now so will you please drive me?" Liam had realised that even though was he said to his pack mom was true is wasn't nice nor did Stiles deserve it.

"Yeah sure." Theo seemed a bit calmed down but he still worried Liam. Theo wasn't supposed to have emotions. He knew how to deal with angry Theo or happy Theo because those were emotions that he knew how to deal with himself. Sadness or emptiness he did not like. Plus he hated seeing Theo like that. It physically hurt him to see the older boy hurt.

"Thanks oh and do you know what happened to your sister?" As casually as possible Liam interrogated Theo. Theo, however, did not like this plan and was definitely not planning on answering this question. All questions for that matter.
So he nodded his head and walked to his car. Liam just followed for once in his life understanding the hint.

Theo drove back to Stiles and parked his truck. He signaled that Liam should just go, he needed some alone time in his truck to overthink everything that had happened that day. Which was a lot to take in.

Liam went and apologised to Stiles and saw that none of the boys that they had left in the dorm where still there. All horrible scenarios pounced through Liam's head. Kidnapping, murder what not? Luckily for him just before he went into panic mode he found Masons note saying they went to a public club. Liam sighed and walked back to the car.

He found Theo, thank god, not crying. He didn't thing he mentally could handle watching Theo cry even more.

"Wanna go the a club?" Liam asked with a smug smirk on his face. It was a long shot but maybe?

Theo thought long and deep before answering "Yeah sure why not?" As if there were no reasons why not. "But I am planning on getting totally hammered okay?" Theo added. It wasn't really a question more of a statement. Liam nodded completely understanding why and they drove to the club where, to recent information, Stiles, Corey and Mason were.

It was like any other club, loud, bright and somehow moist. Liam remembered why he never went clubbing. He hated almost every aspect of it. But Theo looked a little better so he stayed.

With a deep breath still in his lungs he stepped over to Stiles since he still needed to apologise to him.

"Sorry that I called you judgy, a controlfreak and a dick!" He shouted to get over the music.

"That's okay dude. You were kinda right." Liam knew that stiles had to be drunk or he'd never admit he was wrong. He'd circle around it but never actually say it. Liam just nodded and gave his pack mom a classic werewolf hug. They both needed it so the hug lasted a little longer then he'd planned on.

"I trust you Liam. If you say Theo is okay, he is okay!" Stiles shouted a little to close to the betas ear. It hurt but Stiles words meant so much to him.

Stiles rarely trusted anybody. And he always make it seem as if he didn't care about Liam at all. Liam knows that he does but he doesn't really show it that much. So when he not only said that he trusted him but to say that he trusted him so much that he would even trust Theo for him. That broke Liam. He was ashamed to say but his eyes were watery and in order for stiles to not see that he hugged him again. This time like he was never gonna let go.

But he did and he stepped back looking a tipsy Stiles right in his hazel eyes and said very calmly. "Thanks stiles that means a lot to me."
And walked away.

The bar was crowded but Theo stood out. His muscles where flexed trying to take a drink from the bartender and a lot of girls, most of them way to young to be here, tried desperately to get his attention. Theo blew them all of and strolled over to Liam, who felt fairly superior.

"Whatcha doing?" Liam asked. He knew but still, a conversation was better then silence.

"I am trying to drink this." Theo said somewhat smugly as if Liam had asked a very dumb question, which he did.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock." It wasn't the best comeback but Theo's face made up for it.

"Who's Sherlock?" Liam squinted his eyes to make sure if Theo wasn't lying. Who doesn't know Sherlock Holmes? The answer was people who lived their whole teenage years in a sewer without cable or netflix.

"A detective. A very famous detective. They have almost all the films at the video story if you want to watch them?" What the frickerdie frack was he doing? If they where going to watch those movies he would 100% fall asleep. Even though Theo knew about the dreams doesn't mean that he should get front row seats.

"Yeah sure. I don't like clubs anyways"

"You work in one."

"Yeah but that's different."

"No. Not really."

"Yehuh." This very intelligent discussion went on for about 30 minutes before they reached the video store and were back into the motel where they had a room. They put the movie on and went under the covers since it cooled down a lot at night and it was below freeze point in the room.

The movie ended a lot quicker then Liam had hoped because now he was tired but he really didn't want to sleep. So he decided on the next best thing. Talking to a tipsy Theo.

"So why did you return to beacon hills?" Liam never really understood why, he was glad he did but why?

"Because I wanted to." Theo was just about tipsy enough to tell the truth and not drunk enough to not want to.

"But why did you want to?" Liam wanted to know the actual reason.

"Because you wanted me to." His heart skipped a couple beats after those magnificent words. Theo had actually come because of his messages. He just assumed there was a underlying reason why but no it was for him.

"But why did you listen to me? You could have just as easily walked away."

"Because you made me feel wanted. Like someone cared about me."

"But I do care about you." Liam spurted out those words, not knowing it would change his life.

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