25. Try.

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After Liam and Theo stared at each other worried Theo slowly walked over the the door, carefully listening if he could hear who is was.
He heard a steady breathing and only one heartbeat, meaning that there was only one person. Theo glanced at Liam before opening the door and peeking his head around the doorpost.

It was Hayden.

"How can I help you?" Theo asked while making absolutely no sign that he was gonna open the door to let her in.

"Yes. I want to talk to Liam." She demanded.

Theo slammed the door in her face. He turned around to face Liam who was still standing shirtless with a toothbrush in his mouth.

"Do you want to talk to her?" Theo asked a little on edge.

"Yes. No. I don't know." Liam rammed the toothbrush through his mouth as he tried to decided wether or not he wanted to talk to his ex.

"Well decide quickly because by the hearing of it she is getting impatient." Theo said grumpily rolling his eyes while Hayden was pouncing on the door trying to get someone to notice her.

"Yes yes we know you're there. Have some patience!" Theo barked through the door. "Now please Liam." Theo got impatient too.

"Yeah sure. I'll talk to her." Liam spat out the toothpaste and washed his mouth. Theo opened the door stretching his arm to show her to come in and walked out. "Scream if you need me Liam." He said while walking out of the building.

Theo went to inspect peters house without being noticed but he couldn't help but overheard some of the conversation between Liam and Hayden. He had to make sure the beta was safe right?

"Why are you shirtless?" Hayden asked as if she had anything to do with the way he dressed. "And why are your beds pushed together? And why are you here with Theo? I thought I told you to stay away from him!" She demanded.

Theo rolled his eyes again. This bitch. He wanted to know what Liam's response was even though it would most likely hurt him.

"I am shirtless because Theo threw a glass of water over my hoodie. Our beds are pushed together because we were watching a movie together since when is that illegal? And I am here with Theo because Scott told us to be. You don't get to tell me what to do anymore because we are not together anymore! You broke up with me so tell me what you are doing here and get out before you completely blow our cover!" Liam yelled in her face.

Theo smirked to himself. Liam could take care of himself very well. He walked away losing his ability to overhear the conversation, he was confident that Liam could manage himself now.

Theo could find nothing suspicious or even a sign of life in the old Peter house so he walked back to the crappy motel and sniffed that Hayden had left about five minutes ago. He could also smell a weird sense of panic and fear. He ran up the stairs and threw open the door to their room.

What he found hit him in the face so hard he needed a second the breath. Liam was in the corner gripping his knees tightly as he cried rocking back and forth. The smell of absolute dread slapped Theo hard in his face. The smell stank but it was ten times worse because it was Liam. The guy he promised to keep save, the guy he never wanted to see hurt again.

And there he was crying his eyes out and Theo could hear his heart beating so fast it looked as if it was trying to rip itself out of his rib cage. Liam's whole body reeked of panic. Theo knew what his was, he'd been having them too when he was fifteen. A panic attack.

Theo ran over to Liam and kneeled next to him. "Can I touch you?" He asked Liam. Liam gave him a small nod and tears kept falling over his cheeks. Theo knew how much this actually hurt the beta and quickly sat down next to the beta and spoke slowly but clearly.

"You can get through this little beta. I know you can. You just have to breathe with me okay? Can you do that?" Liam looked at him with watery eyes and said one simple word.


Theo understood and started counting down from ten to zero hoping that Liam would catch on. He did not. Theo softly grabbed Liam's hand and gave it a tiny squeeze. "You are going to be okay. I promise you."

"No." Liam said without breathing. "I'm gonna die." He inhaled sharply but it still wasn't enough air. It did feel like he was dying.

"No you're not. You are gonna be okay. I am not gonna let you die okay? You have to believe me, I won't let you die." Theo reassured Liam by looking straight into those incredibly blue eyes and giving him the tiniest smile. "Just breath with me little beta."

"Ten... nine..." Theo counted just like this morning. Liam catched one breath that seemed semi normal. "Very good... eight...seven..." Liam started breathing but more in a hyperventilating way. "Okay easy there tiger... six... five..." Liam calmed down a little bit but still had a abnormally high heart rate and breathed way to panicky. "You are doing amazing... four... three..." Liam slowed down a little bit finally getting enough air in his lungs for his feeling. "I am proud of you little beta... two... one..." Theo grinned at Liam who still wasn't calmed down completely, his whole body was covered in sweat and his heart rate was still going way to fast but his breathing had stabilised.

Liam gave Theo a weak smile and fell over in the chimeras chest. Theo put his arm around the exhausted beta and Liam closed his eyes in the crook of Theo's shoulder, he felt safe.

Theo was very proud of himself, he used to have a lot of panic attacks and there was no one to help him through them but he had actually succeeded into calming Liam down. The beta with anger issues. The boy with IED. The one who couldn't calm down at all.
But he did it. He had stopped Liam from hurting any longer, just as he'd promised himself.

Liam was tired and weak. So Theo lifted him up, bridal style with Liam's head pressed against his chest, and put him on the bed. Theo knew that pressuring Liam into talking about it now wouldn't do him any good so he laid Liam down, wiped a clean towel over his forehead and face and went to take a shower. Theo figured that when he came back, Liam was either asleep or ready to talk about it.

After his shower he found out that Liam had fallen asleep so he measured Liam's temperature and pulled of his socks. He wanted to undress Liam to put on his pj's and tuck him in but he wouldn't want to do that without Liam's consent so he just turned him over and put on a show for himself to watch. Liam would probably be awake for diner.

They would talk about it then. For now Theo was just happy with the peacefully sleeping beta.

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