15. Theo likes sherlock holmes

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Mason had pacing back and forth in the motel room where Liam had last been. He couldn't sit still, he was to worried to sit still. Corey was out to get them some food while they waited for Theo and Talia.

Who named their kids Theo, Talia and Tara? That's just plain child abuse. It would look nice on a Christmas card though. But now that Mason thought about he knew almost nothing about the Reaken family, except the fact that Talia went missing, Theo went rogue and killed his sister and parents but that was it. Theo never talked about his family. Maybe he had cousins? Any family traditions they didn't know about?

The more Mason thought about it the more he realised they didn't know. Theo used to be friends with Scott and Stiles but maybe also Lydia? Could it be that mr and mrs Reaken were friends with the sheriff and Melissa? Did Theo have any other friends besides Stiles and Scott? 

His mind went crazy and theory after theory raced through it. Luckily for him Corey came right on time with the cheeseburgers to give his mind some rest.

"Wre wow nothin abou fteo." Mason stated half way in his cheeseburger.

"Ehm what babe?" Corey could not make anything from his words. Masons bite took longer then expected because he held a finger up and chewed for a good two minutes.

"We know nothing about Theo." He finally said.

"That's not true. We know that he killed his sister and parents. He used to be friends with Scott and Stiles. And Liam is somehow in love with him." Corey answered also realising they knew almost nothing about the chimera. "Oh and the dread doctors ofcourse."

"Yeah but what else?" Mason asked. Corey just shrugged. "Exactly nothing. Well not enough."

"Well I think we can ask him if you want babe because I think he arrived." Corey said eating the last bit of his cheeseburger. Theo's truck got parked hastily in the parking spot and the chimera walked out fast.

Liam was really pissed off. He had been here for what felt like days. With no light or no steady food schedule he had no idea how many hours went by. He was hungry and angry. Not a good combination.

"Will someone please feed me?!!!!" It sounded both angry and pleading.

A dry "No!" was shouted from afar.

"Oh come on!" He sounded almost desperate now. He really wanted his food and was feeling slightly lightheaded already.

"Fine!!" Araya sounded closer. The door banged open again. Cant this woman just normally open a door?

She threw him two granola bars, who were disgusting but hunger sweetens even raw beans.

"Fank yew." Liam had stuffed the first one in his mouth already.

"Can you now please tell me why I am here?"

She looked troubled but then a dark grin spread across her face and she said:

"Ofcourse Liam."

"How do you know my name?"

"Because I have been planning this for a while."

Talia had fallen asleep in the car on the road on the way back and Theo didn't want to wake her so he just left her in the car while going in the motel to talk to Mason and Corey.

Masons face was covered in ketchup and barbecue sauce and Corey tried to wipe it all of with his hands but those were dirty too so he just made it worse.

Theo started sniffing the whole building as he entered but couldn't smell anything. The person who took Liam must have know how to cover up his scent. And he now officially knew that Liam hadn't left himself because the beta sucked at hiding his chemosignals.

He walked into the room where mason and Corey were. The worry from Mason had filled the room and hit him in the face a little more then he wanted it to. Theo had hoped that mason had the answer to this problem but this was a definitive sign that even the 'Stiles' of this pack had no clue.

"Okay what do we know?" Theo really didn't have time for chitchat, they needed to find Liam as soon as possible. He could be in serious trouble.

"Uhm we think that he was taken, kidnapped if you will, and Uhm that that took place at around 4 pm."

"That's all you got?" If that was all the information they had they would never be able to find Liam. In time.

Coreys head dropped down and nodded a little bit. "Yup." Mason mumbled slightly ashamed.

"Okay well. The person that took Liam must have been prepared because there are no signs of break-in around the door." Theo pointed to the door. "They also did this before or had some kind of training because all of Liam's scents are perfectly masked." Theo walked into the bathroom. "And by this pool of water and the pile of clothes indicate that Liam came out of the shower, which means that he probably has clean clothes on which makes it even harder to locate him. The person that took him must have been prepared, trained in some kind of way and knew what they were doing because this..." Theo pointed at a small yellow stain on the closet. "... is wolfsbane."

Mason and Corey looked at him with their jaws on the floor.

"What? I like Sherlock Holmes."

"As you already know my name is Araya." Liam nodded. "I need you for my revenge." Liam nodded again. He had gotten that far. "My parents were brutally slaughtered before me and my sisters eyes. I have tried to revenge them ever since." She stayed quiet for a long while after that. But since she didn't leave the room Liam just asked:
"I am sorry but how am I involved in your revenge plan?"

"Because I have up until recently just killed supernaturals in some term of revenge. However a few months ago I got some new information about my parents tragic death. So I decided to specify my killing spree to people who were actually involved in my parents murder." Liam still could not piece together how he fit in all of this.

"Okay, that's sad but I didn't have anything to do with that."

"Oh I know. I know you don't. But your boyfriend does."

"I don't have a boyfr- oh. You mean Theo?" Liam asked.

"Yes. The Reaken boy. He loves you most in the world so kidnapping you would have the most effect."

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you but he doesn't love me. He left me alone. Alone for you to find. Does that scream love to you?"

"Oh but he does love you. I have watched you both for months. And after his sister escaped me I made sure to hit him where it really hurt. I had already gotten everything out of her, so she was useless anyways." Liam was really confused. So she needed him to hurt Theo. And she had been the one that had kidnapped Talia? But she didn't look any older then 27 how could she have Talia for over a decade?

"I still don't understand. Why do you need me? And what do you want from me? And what did you need from Talia?"

"Oh you are so dumb werewolf junior. I need you to hurt Theo, because if I hurt you he'll come running and I can steal from him exactly what I stole from his sister. Plus seeing you die would hurt him even more and that would bring me nothing but pleasure."

"Wait. Seeing me die?"

"Oh yeah sweetheart. I am going to kill you. But at the right moment."

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