21. What did i do?

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Liam woke up with pain everywhere. His head was throbbing so much that even the whole box of painkillers wouldn't even help him. He lay in a bed which was weird because he remembered passing out in the basement.
So naturally he was a little concerned. Did they free him? Did Araya take him to another place? That seemed highly unlikely. Was he dead?

That had to be it. He was dead and went to heaven apparently. He certainly wasn't at home and everything around him was white and comfortable. This had to be heaven.

Or at least he thought so till Stiles and Derek walked in.

"Am I dead?" Liam's voice croaked.

"No." Stiles laughed. "You're not dead. You are very much alive."

"Where am I?"

"You are at Talia's."

"Wait. Talia as in Theo's sister? How did I get here?"

"That's a long story. I'll tell you when you've healed. You have been sleeping for over three days now. Rest a little longer." Stiles said.

Liam nodded. He didn't need to be told that twice. His head still hurt like a bitch and after some closer inspection his leg was neatly bandaged and a big bandaid covered the stab wound in his stomach.

He tried to push any negative thoughts out of his head and fell asleep again.

Hours later he woke up again. It was dark this time and Liam could hear that everyone was asleep so he walked out into the hallway and discovered three doors. He carefully opened the first one and saw a bedroom with stiles and derek laying on a couch, not really cuddling but very close. Talia lay in her own bed an the other side of the room.

Behind the second door what's the living room where mason and Corey lay intermingled with each other. It was super adorable. Mason had his head on Corey chest and Corey held on the him for dear life.

But the third door he feared. That would either be Scott, and then he would need to explain the whole situation and he really didn't want to, or Theo. He needed it to be Theo, because he was mad at Theo and wanted to scream at him. He was angry with the chimera and needed to let it all out.
But even more then Theo and Scott he feared that behind the door was empty. That Theo wasn't there. That he really was gone, that he had driven away and didn't even care that Liam got kidnapped. Or even worse that he'd be dead. That during the fight to get him lose, he assumed that had been a fight seeing stiles and derek in bad shape, Theo had somehow died.

He opened the door and it squeaked. The room it opened into seemed like a study room. There was a desk, a bookshelf and some other study things. They were all pushed aside to make room for a big bed-ish thing. It wasn't really a bed more a inflatable mattress covered in multiple layers of blankets. On all those layers l at a very deadly pale Theo.

He looked absolutely dreadful. Liam walked over to him, forgetting all about his plan to yell at the chimera, and inspected him closely. Theo's hair was a mess and greasy. He had an IV in his arm but he still looked terrible. There were two big gashes in his stomach that they had stitched together hoping that the supernatural healing would set in in time. There was also a gross bandaid above his hip that had turned a toxic greenish colour.

Liam's hand went through Theo's hair stroking it back and out of his eyes that had dark circles underneath him. Liam grabbed the arm that didn't have an IV and toke some of his pain. He couldn't watch Theo in pain and not do anything about it. Theo had more pain then he expected or could handle.

Liam took as much as could and let go. He was still mad at the chimera but he couldn't find it in himself to hurt Theo, physically or mentally right now.

So he walked out of the room and continued his path towards the kitchen where he grabbed a banana, ate it, and walked back to his room. Maybe tomorrow he would get answers. Why was theo hurt? How did he get here? And most importantly what had happened three days ago?

Almost a full week later Liam had received little bits and pieces of information and had puzzled his own idea of what happened when he got out. Theo was getting a little bit better but nothing worth mentioning, till one morning seven days after the big kidnap fight Liam woke up with Theo standing in his doorway smirking at the sleep drunken beta.

"Wait are you finally awake or am I dreaming?"

"Finally huh? So you'd been waiting?" Theo had returned to his usual cockiness.

"No. I am seriously mad at you. And I wanted to scream at you but then you were in this weird coma thing so I had to wait." Liam wasn't lying. He really was mad at the boy standing in his doorway.

"Oh. What did I do?" Theo asked still annoyingly smug.

"You left me! That's what you did! You left me all alone for her to find! I told you that I thought I was in love with you and not only did you completely reject me you also told me I didn't mean anything to you. That that night was a mistake! Do you have any idea how many times those words stabbed like needles through my head in that room?! How all I could think about was how you broke my heart! You left okay!" Liam got angrier with the second.

"I really am sorr-" Theo began but Liam wasn't quite done talking.

"No. Nope. You don't get to say you're sorry. I loved you even after every single thing you had done. EVERY THING!! And you didn't even care!! I am officially done with you. Whatever we had it's over now."

"No liam. Please just listen to me." Theo looked desperate. "I left so Araya wouldn't find you. I left for your protecti-"

"But SHE DID!! SHE DID FIND ME OKAY?!? And everything would have been so much better if you just had stayed!! I usually can protect myself okay?!? I don't want you making decisions for me because you think I'm weak and can't handle myself!! You left for my own 'good' right?!? How 'good' am I?! You don't get to make stupid decisions for me okay?! So no. I won't accept your apology. Please leave my room now." Liam said.

He was glad to have said it. It had been hogging his mind, thinking over and over about how Theo had hurt him in the worst way possible, way worse then Araya ever could. He laid back down on his bed turning his back against Theo who stood utterly shocked in his doorway.

"And close the door will you?" Theo had been frozen after Liam's words but he blinked twice and slowly closed the door on his way out. This wasn't the direction he had hoped the conversation would go in.

Still stunned and completely flabbergasted he sat back in his room on his makeshift bed. He knew that Liam would be a little mad after the stunt he'd pulled the night he got kidnapped but he never realised how much he had actually hurt the beta.

Theo knew he had been a little cruel but he only did what he thought at the time was necessary. It clearly didn't work but the consequences were way higher that he'd ever anticipated.

When he had finally woken up this morning he was excited to talk to Liam but now he felt every single ache in his body multiplied. It was as if Liam had stabbed him all over again but now also in his heart.

How on earth was he gonna fix this?

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