Week Three

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"Hi, did you get my message? I've been busy lately, I don't know whats gotten into me but I feel like I'm possessed. You know how much I hate biology but I've been reading this biology book the whole day and its kinda interesting. Anyways I talked to Nana yesterday but she hasn't heard from you as well. Where are you Naill?"

"Today my dad talked to the police and my pictures have been takin' care of. Its crazy right? My boobs weren't that big.. hahahaha. Yeah.. I guess its  really time to move on now from all those nightmares. I wish you're here Naill"

"Oh my god, I can't wait to tell you this. I just got my license, my dad even surprised me with a car this morning. I feel so happy, finally I can drive like how we used to. Yeah, my dad and I are really getting along very well. He told me stories about him and mom.. and... uhmmm.. well, I miss mom and granny but.. its okay now. I've been listening to One Direction lately.. your music is so cool like every lyrics of the song hits me... who wrote it? Where are you Naill? What are you doing?"

"I don't know if its... its right to be doing this. I don't even know if you're hearing it. But I really miss you... and... uhmmm... are you scared that if you'll come back I'll bring another mess? I'm sorry for ruining your life Naill"

"I'm sorry Naill... I'm sorry.. so sorry. I hope you'll know how sorry I am.. just come back"

"Uhmmm.. I think this will be the last time. My dad is bringing me to Dubai. He has business to.. uhmmm.. I'm leaving Naill. Goodbye.. but.. I .... I don't wanna say goodbye maybe... uhhhmm.. maybe I'll just see you around"

This voicemails is what I've been listening for the entire week. Megan left, its feels different to know that she's living in the same city as me compared to now that I know she's miles away. Don't get me wrong coz I did went to their house to stop her. It even took me all the strength I have to go out of this hotel room just to see her but I was late. I called her number but its already out of reach. She's moving on with her life and I should be happy but I don't know why I can't.

"What will you do now Naill?" I ask myself out loud while I'm staring at the mirror.

If Megan's here she'll know what to do. She'll tell me what I want to hear.
"Hello Liam?"
"Yeah its me"
"How are you?"
"Uhmmm.. I don't know. Can we have a drink? You can invite the boys"
"Sure, where are you?"
"Lets meet at my place"
"Okay, see you then"

Maybe its time for me to stop acting like a caveman and face the things that I have to face.

"Hey" I greeted Liam and Louis when they arrived my house.

"Wow Naill, you look.. well don't get offended but you look not you" says Louis.

"I'm very aware of that"

"What's up?" Liam said.

"I don't know I should be the one asking that"

"Well we need you Naill, there has been alot going on since you, you know left. So are you coming back?"

"Am I still welcome?"

"Ofcourse dude, we've been waiting for you"

"I'm sorry for what I did, I'm a bigtime jerk for all the things I've done, I hope its not yet late to fix this"

"Stop this drama, I don't wanna cry" says Louis.

"Silly.. kidding aside we're glad you're back"

"Now where to begin? Whiskey or rum?"

So this is it, its really time for me to start to fix things not just for me but for all the things I've destroyed, the band included. Megan will be back and I should be someone she'll be proud of when that time comes.

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