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Kagami's P O V:

Guitar Boy🎸💙

Guitar Boy🎸💙: Hey

Me: What do you want?

Guitar Boy🎸💙: I was wondering if you would want to come at my house, so we could hang out

Me: Umm sure

Me: I will have to ask my mom first 

Guitar Boy🎸💙: Okay

..5 mins later..

Me: She said sure

Guitar Boy🎸💙:  See you soon😁

Me: And can I know  where your house is idiot 🙄🤚

Guitar Boy🎸💙: Oh yeah (google map link: ********)

Me: And when am I expected to come? 😒 

Guitar Boy🎸💙: Ummm around 2pm

Me: See you soon 

Guitar Boy🎸💙: 😁


Guitar Boy 🎸💙:

Me: I am outside 

Guitar Boy🎸💙: Coming 


The door opened and I later saw Luka, his hair was messy and tangled, he was wearing a oversized black hoodie and black jeans, he looked tired due to the bags under his eyes. 

"Hey" He tiredly smiled. I looked at the bluenette with a raised eyebrow and a worry look, I slipped my hand into his and kissed his cheek. 

Ever since our ice-skating "date" and our smoothie "date", we started acting more like this. I wasn't going to lie but I kinda liked it when we acted like this, it was nice and comforting.

"Are you okay, blueberry?" I said softly. He tired giggled and looked at me with a soft eyes and a tired smile, then gave my hand a peck.

"Just a little tired, I was finishing an assignment last night and I guess I forgot about the time" He nervously chuckled 

"You better go to sleep" I dragged him inside the house with me, I was their the last time (I didn't know the directions to his house) and I knew where his bedroom (that he shares with his sister). 

"But you're here, I don't wanna go to bed" Luka wined with a pout on his face

"Okay, what if you sleep for an hour then I will wake you up and watch a movie or something" I playfully rolled my eyes

"Okay" Luka yawned letting himself be dragged by me

We arrived at Luka's room and I threw him onto his bed and sat down on the side of the bed. He looked at me for a while before closing his eyes, "Be comfortable I am not gonna do anything" Luka softly chuckled as he patted a space next to him for me to sit. I got closer to the boy and sat next to him, he put his head on my lap and closed his eyes, I smiled at him then ran my fingers through his hair. Before I knew it Luka was asleep on my lap, I blushed a bit and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. 

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