Hide & Sneak

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Luka quickly hide under Kagami's bed not knowing what was going on, he stayed silent until he got a signal to get out. Luka assumed that Kagami's mom didn't know he was here and pretty sure she didn't want a boy with her daughter, he was supposed to be Marinette anyway.

"KAGAMI OPEN THIS DOOR" Kagami's mom shouted from the other side of the door.

"I AM COMING MOTHER" Luka heard Kagami's footsteps approach the door and heard a 'click'.

"Hello mother, it's good to know you arrived safely" Kagami sounded as cold as ice but tried to be respectful

"Hello to you too, may I know why you locked your door" Kagami's mom started walking around the room suspicious of Kagami's behavior.

"I was sleeping and I didn't feel safe alone" Luka was impressed with Kagami's lies, she played them off well.

Kagami's mom halted right next to the bed, Luka could see her feet feeling even more nervous than he was. "Fine" Kagami's mom left the room closing the door behind her.

Luka stayed under the bed for a while till he knew she was gone or until Kagami told him too, she was lowkey scary 

"You can come out now" Luka could see Kagami's feet. He shimmied out of the cramped space and back to the larger room. He saw Kagami's messy hair and her goat pajamas on, he mentally simped but didn't show it.

"You should leave now!" Kagami whisper shouted making the "now" sound harsh "There is a window you can get out of. There is a ladder so don't worry" 

"Here" Luka gave Kagami a card and left as instructed, "Till we meet again, Kagami" Luka bowed before leaving.

"Stupid blue-head"  

Rebuilding Hearts ~ LukagamiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum