Movie Night

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"MYSTERY BOY" Luckily I said in my head and let him in. Once I let him in, I closed the door behind us and locked the door. I huffed then turned to face him, he smiled observing all my actions which made my face heat up a little.

"Hi, I'm Luka" He lends out his hand for me to take, I took my hand into his and we shook hands

"I'm Kagami" I looked away from the crystal blue-eyed boy

"So Marinette told me we are watching part 2 of 'To All The Boys I've Ever Loved Before' I'm excited" He smiled with his eyes closed 

"Mhm" I looked down to see my hand still in his which now happened to be intertwined together, "How did that happen?"

"So where are we watching it" He scanned the room we were in

"Oh follow me" I dragged him to my room 

"Nice room you go here" He smiled

"I'm gonna get some snacks wait here" I tried to let go of his grip but it's like he didn't want us too

"Umm my h-hand" I pointed my free hand to our intertwined ones. He immediately let go and looked so flustered that he turned his face away.

Luka's P O V:

Dreamgirl or should I say Kagami was now in the kitchen getting snacks, I decided to look around her room. It was full of trophies, and medals but something seemed to catch my eye, it was a desk full of pictures...well 5 to be exact but they looked so cute. I leaned forward to see the picture closely.

"Luka...what are you doing?" I turned around to see a midnight blue-haired girl holding a tray full of snacks

"Oh I was looking at these pictures" I said, she put the tray down to the bed and walked up to me.

She looked at the pictures and giggled, it made my face heat up a little. I turned my head to the pictures and they were of a young girl, "Is that you?" I said

"Yeah, of when I was young" She stared at the picture on the right, I turned my head to see younger her with a man who looked pretty similar to her.

I pointed at the man she was in the photo with, "Who's-"

"Let's start watching the movie" She cut me off dragging me to the bed 

We both sat on the bed and she got her laptop that was on her bedside table, she opened it and did some typing and finally put the laptop on the bed. (A/N: I have never watched "To All The Boys I've Ever Loved" I just watched trailers) The movie was interesting but I kept glancing at Kagami, she was so focused in the movie.

"Who do you think she's gonna end up with?" Kagami asked me still staring at the screen

"Lara Jean?" She nods, "Peter"

"Why Peter?" She puts her head on my shoulder sending shivers down my spine

"Even though she and John knew each other longer, LJ loves Peter and is dating him and shows that she isn't giving him up" I wrapped a hand around her bringing her closer and luckily she accepts, snuggling into my chest.

"That's nice" She gives a half attempted smile

"How about you?" 

"I think the same, Peter and her have some strong connection they are most likely gonna end up together" She looks up at me with the cutest face to ever exist...

"WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING...You don't like Kagami..."  I thought while bringing her close.


The two fell asleep in their embrace forgetting about the world around them.

Cuddling closer, Blushing harder and Loving unknowingly...

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