Regrets, Anger and Pain.

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"Kiss slowly, Play hard, Forgive quickly, Take chances, Give everything and have no regrets"
- Another wise hooman (found on the internet web)

Luka's P O V:

I run home far away from the scene.

I reached the house boat, run to my room without replying to my mom's "hi" and slamming my door shut. I fell on my bed and shouted and crying into my pillow.

~Ten Mins Later~

"Is it the wrong time to say I was here" I jumped up to see Juleka sitting on her bed. I love my sister but sometimes I wish we had our own rooms for privacy reasons. (I can relate to this I share a room with my younger sis ToT)

"Juleka how long have you been there" I knew the answer to the question since I locked the door but maybe she came through the window.

"Ummm...since you came in here completely..." She paused, "how do you say it...depressed...I think". She got up and say next to me in my bed. So I, too got up from my laying down position and sat up too.

"I thought you were with your girlfriend, Rose" I said in a playful tone to lighten up the mood.

"Well yeah but she was busy since her dad is making her go to this lunch with his workmates", she seemed kinda bummed but she just wanted to hang with her.

"Aww lil sis, I'm sure you will see your princess soon" I teased but then she shot me with a death stare. "You are only two year older than me, TWO. FREAKING. YEAR."

"So why did you come in like that and cry" I had really hoped she forgot about that but what did I suspected Juleka wasn't the one to just forget she can still remember the day she lost her first tooth.

"Nothing too important" I faked smiled but she could could see through my lies.

"Do you take me as a idiot" she was serious now, she wanted the truth and she wanted it now.

"What no!" I was trying to calm her down before she goes full Spanish on me. Juleka had been learning Spanish for 10 years so she was fluent so when she is angry we will cuss you out in Spanish and you would have no idea what she was saying.

I accepted defeat, "Fine, I will tell you".

I told her everything that I saw she felt sad for me but gave a warm smile when I said the Adrienette moments and she didn't look surprised when I told her they were dating.

"I'm so sorry, dude" she came in for a hug and I hugged her back. "I thought you knew those two were dating like all their friends know it" Juleka replied.

"Well I didn't" I paused, "How long have they been together" I was very curious to see how long they had been up too this.

"Well ummm they are making their 1 month anniversary in a week." I was shocked, and had many questions like, why didn't Marinette or Adrien tell me? Do they not see me as their trust worthy friend? Am I just not remembered?

Juleka and I just talked about other stuff for we hadn't talked much since Ruleka started dating. I missed talking to my sister like this she was almost finishing college, I had finished college last year and I have a job as a small musician who sings at children's centers or hospitals, elderly homes, or for small charity events.

I loved my job since it included me doing something I loved and I got surprisingly well paid. I was planning on moving out once I had enough money for an apartment.

Juleka on the other hand was gonna immediately move out after college graduation. She worked as a make-up artist for Adrien and Felix's company and let's just say she got a very high check. 10,000 dollars a month, I was so surprised when I found that out but she was a good make-up artist so couldn't argue with that.

It was midnight and everyone was asleep but I couldn't help but think if Adrien wasn't here.

I knew it was bad thing to think, what if Adrien wasn't here? What if his father never let him go to school?


...What if I won Mari's heart first?

I knew Marinette liked Adrien during high school but after graduation she told me she liked me...if I just told her I liked her too maybe things would have been different...maybe that would have been us who shared a kiss instead of her and Adrien.


"Maybe I would actually know what love feels like..."

Don't get me wrong, I know what loves feels like, like family love, friendship love, material love and animal love

....But I meant ROMANTIC LOVE.....

I sighed as I let all my thoughts vanish as I went to sleep.

Kagami's P O V:

It was around midnight and I was in my bed.

I couldn't sleep because I couldn't help thinking about the scene I saw at the park.

I loved both of them... Marinette friendly and Adrien romantically and I am happy for them but deep down I was breaking and crushing down.

Before I knew I was in tears, I curled up in a ball position and crying all the pain I felt away.

Was this why mother said father was a waste of time? Was this why mother refused me to go to school? Why mother refused me to get close to the male population? Why she kept on telling me that boys were awful and bad creatures?


~ At 3:00 am ~

I picked up my phone to find out it was 3 am in the morning. I had been crying for 3 hours straight.

I was suddenly so thirsty and it was probably because of all the crying so I got out of bed and walked to mirror to see my eyes were completely red like a bloody red color. ' I can't let mother see me like this ' I thought, my mother seemed to always be awake. So I got my hoodie with a big hood that covered my eyes and made my way to the kitchen.

I entered the kitchen, and opened the fridge door and took out some milk to warm up.

After the milk finally warmed up even though it took a minute, I drank but when I was half way I saw a shadowy figure.

"Kagami what are you doing up this late" the person behind me said. "I was having trouble sleeping, mother so I decided to have warm milk" I turned to look at her. She then nodded and went back to bed.

I was finally back in my snug bed and was so tired, the milk always did the trick.

I drifted off to sleep but when I closed my eyes, I saw a boy, he was pretty cute, he was laughing and I could hear my laughter too he was almost like my ice cream that Andre gave me. When I suddenly woke up I couldn't help but blush. But it couldn't help but ask on question.


I have nothing much to say so hope you guys have a nice morning/evening/night.

I love y'all so much


Rebuilding Hearts ~ LukagamiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora